We need to find her

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You walk away from Tom, you could see the sadness in his eyes, you felt terrible. You wanted him back too. You decided you were just going to go ahead and head home. You didn't live to far from the school so you just walked home. Your mom was at work and got off after school so you didn't need to worry about that.

You went up to your room and changed into some pajamas and went to your desk with your computer. You scrolled through pictures of your and Tom, you couldn't help but to cry. You missed him so much, "Fuck y/n you're so stupid why didn't you just tell him yes?" You say punching your desk. You roll up your sleeves and run your fingers along the scars. It still stings a little.

You roll your sleeves back down and keep scrolling through pictures. You heard a knock at your door. You thought it was just a package so you left it alone. But then they knocked again.

You sighed and got up and went downstairs to the door. It was your dad. "Dad..?" You say you were confused why he was there.

"Come with me y/n" your dad grabs your wrist and throws you into the back of his truck. You started to panic, are we going to a nice spot? Are you getting kidnapped? What the hell is happening? "Where are we going?" Your dad just ignored you.

You finally arrived at what looked like his house. He grabbed you by the hair and dragged you inside. Your dad pulled down the attic ladder and walked up the stairs and threw you in there. Fuck this can't be happening right now. Your dad walks downstairs and shuts the door locking you inside the attic. That did not just happen. "HELP" you screamed, you kept screaming for help. Finally you quit, you just felt hopeless and just laid down on the cold dirty attic floor.

~Your Moms POV~

I finally got off of work. Fuck it was a long day. "Y/n Im home!" No answer, that's weird she usually answers. "Y/n?" I go upstairs to her room, she's not in there. Fuck. I text her asking if she's at bills. No answer. I sigh, I get in my car and drive over to bills.

I get there and knock on the door. Tom answers "Hey Tom is bill home as well?" I'm looking at Tom, he looks like he's been crying. "Yes he is, would you like to come in?" Tom has always been a sweet kid, same with bill. "Oh no im ok, is y/n there with you?" Tom starts to look worried, "No she isn't. Is everything ok?" I sigh, "I got home from work and she wasn't home." I can tell Tom fills with panic. Tom tells me to come in, "Oh hey Mrs L/n" bill says waving at me, "what can we do for you?" Bill sits up from the couch looking more professional. "Y/n never came home from school" Tom answers for me. Bill starts to look worried.

"Maybe she went to Vic's" I give a confused look. Who's Vic? "No no, she wouldn't she promised me" Tom says, bill stands up, "we need to at least try. Actually y/n left school early and Vic stayed the whole day" bill walks over to us "y/n left school early? And who's Vic" I say looking at the boys. "Yes y/n left early. And Vic is the asshole who made me and y/n break up. Sorry for saying asshole" bill slightly hit Tom and I laughed a little, they've always been funny kids. "Wait you and y/n broke up?" I ask confused. She didn't tell me. "Yea long story short Vic kissed her and I saw and it looked like they kissed each other" I nod.

Bill calls Vic, you know just to be sure, "hey its bill, I know we don't have the closest relationship with each other but I need to know, y/n didn't come home after school, is she there with you?" Bill puts the phone on speaker, "Wait y/ns missing? No she's not with me." Me, Tom, and bill at each other with a "oh shit" face. "Ok thanks" bill says before hanging up.

I look at Tom, he's worried, looks like he might even cry? I walk over and give him a hug. He's hugs me back, "I'm so fucking stupid, this would've never happened if I didn't break up with her over fucking vic." Tom hugs me tighter, I can tell he's crying now. "No this isn't your fault, it's no one's fault" bill says while walking over to join the hug. "We need to find her. We will find her. I'll never give up." Tom says pulling out of the hug. I nod. We do need to find her.

~Back to You~

You're on the attic floor, you feel so helpless. Fuck you missed Tom so much, you wish he was here right now, you want to hug Tom so tight while he tell you it's all ok, thinking about that made you cry even more.

You saw the door open and saw your dad walking up towards you. "Get up slut" your dad spat at you, you got up and faced him. Your dad threw something at you. It was lingerie, "put it on, you're going to do what I say, as I say, you will obey when guests are over, got that?" You nodded. "Yes sir" your dad laughed, "now get dressed" your dad walked out of the attic and closed the door. You sat on a old couch that was in the attic. You start to cry. You remembered that you had your phone in your pocket. "Fuck please have internet." It had one bar. "Better then nothing." You go to your messages, you text Tom, bill, your mom, your sister, and Darris 'SOS' you decided to leave your phone alone so you would have some battery left.

You sighed and got up and put on the lingerie. Please someone answer.

~Toms POV~

I get a notification, i open my phone and see that she texted me. "Y/n texted me!" I run over bill and y/ns mom, "what does it say?" Bill says coming over to me with y/ns mom, "it just says sos" bill and y/ns mom, "we got one too!" I text y/n back, "where are you y/n?" No answer yet. Y/n please be ok, I'm hoping whoever took her, or wherever ever she is she's ok.

~Back to you~

You sit on the couch waiting for your dad, you see your phone buzz. It's Tom. You were so glad it was Tom. "Where are you" you read, "At dads house come quick, I miss you" you send the text. You start to cry, you put your phone down, your dad walks in. "You look great, now come here," you follow your dad. He brings you into the kitchen, "make me dinner, and not some lame ass sandwich, make me a real meal" you nodded, "yes sir" your dad chuckled a little and walked off, you sneaked your phone into the lingeries bra, you took it out and saw that Tom responded. "We called the cops, we're coming right now. I miss you more baby" you sighed in relief and blushed a little. You put the phone back into your bra and start making dinner, your mom taught you how to make this amazing ribeye. Fuck Tom please hurry.

1281 words

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