making up

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A/n again: so school just started for me so there's gonna be a lack of updates(not that there already is) but just I wanted to give a heads up😭 also this is another short chapter, I promise there's gonna be a LONGG one soon and it will make up I promise

Time skip to the date

I'm super nervous for the date, I don't know why I am, I've know Tom my whole life, he also was was lover for about 7 months. To be honest I don't even know why I broke up with Tom, it was a dumbass reason too, I feel like such an idiot.


I woke up feeling sick as hell, I couldn't even move, I manage to look over at Tom, he's sleeping so peacefully. I start to feel something in my throat, fuck I'm going to puke. I rush up and run to the bathroom. I have no time to hold my hair back, I just start almost literally puking my guts out. I hear someone behind rush me, holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

I finally finish throwing up, I flush the toilet and wash out my mouth with water, "you ok?" I heart Tom say who's hand is around my waist. I shake my head and go lay down, Tom follows behind and feels my forehead, "fuck babe you're burning hot, I mean not that you're not already but you know what I mean" I giggle a little at his comment. "I'm going to go get some medicine, then I'm going to take care of you, ok?" I nod. He leaves the room, and about 15 minutes later he comes back with medicine. He kept his word, he really did take care me.

End of flashback

Fuck I'm so stupid! Why would anyone leave such a perfect man? I sigh and check the time, 6:57. Tom texted "hey y/n I'm on the way" I felt a little sad he didn't call me any names, not even a heart. "Ok Im ready♥️" I text back and close my phone.

A few minutes later Tom texted saying he's outside. I grab by purse and my phone and head outside. I walk to toms car and get in, he's so perfect, I miss him. "Hello beautiful" there's the nicknames, I blush, "Hi Tom" he smiles, I smile back at him. "You look beautiful" I look down then back at him. I couldn't help it anymore, I grabbed his face and kissed him. Thankfully he kissed me back, it was a long passionate kiss, which turned into a long passionate makeout.

Toms POV

She grabbed me face and kissed me. I'm so glad she did it for me, ever since I saw her tight, shiny, red dress I wanted to rip it off of her. The kiss or should I say makeout was so magical and perfect. I love this girl so much, when I get her back I'm going to make sure she's mine forever.

Sadly she pulled away, she started to tear up, which hurts me every time she did, I pulled her into a hug, I held her close. "I'm so sorry Tom" she cried, I shook my head, "Tom I'm sorry I don't know why I broke up with you, I love you so much and it wasn't even your fault. It's my fault" I hated when she blamed herself, it was all my fault as well. "No no no, y/n, it's my fault. Not yours." She shook her head and frowned, "no Tom it's mine, I broke up with you for such a stupid reason, I love you" When I heard that it made up everything. I kissed her, she kissed back thankfully. I missed her kisses so much. "I just want to watch movies and cuddle with you Tom, is that ok?" I smiled, that's all I wanted to do anyways. I nodded and we went to my house and cuddled, watched movies, made popcorn, etc. I loved hanging out with her, it was pretty much established that everything was made up. "Y/n?" She turned to me, "yes Tom?" I took a deep breath, "I want you to be mine again, I want to be yours. Y/n, can you give me another chance?"


Can you tell I wrote this last part before I went to bed?😭 next is part already startedddd

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