Chapter 15 : What it means to have power

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3rd POV

"Let's get straight to the point than." A domineering voice echoed in the sealed room. The voice came from Hajin, or at least, it came from someone who looked like Hajin. It was clearly Hajin's body, but the eyes and the aura emanating from Hajin's body didn't give that feeling, unlike the aura of awkwardness that Hajin gave, this aura was giving the feeling of true despair, fear and hoplessness.

It was like comparing a new-born baby to the King of the Jungle.

"I want to adopt a pet."

"... what?" Instructor Park asked. It was just something way too unexpected. He thought that Hajin would ask them something big, something that wasn't allowed in Cube or at least something that couldn't be done by a cadet alone. However, adopting a pet was something completely normal.

It was to the point that cube actually encouraged Cadets to adopt pets because the pets could help with one's mental health and bordom.

"I want to adopt a pet." The voice said again.

"That's not a problem. I don't see why you would need to-"

"It's not an animal, or anything like that in this regard."

"... I'm sorry but adopting a child is not allowed in Cube, for obvious reasons of course."

"But it's not a Human either."

"... Is it a monster?" Seung-Ah asked instead this time. That was the only thing one could think of if it's not a Human child nor an animal of sort.

"Well, depends on how you define it. But if you meant to ask if it has bad intentions or is Evil according to Human thought, than no." Hajin replied with a calm face.


"It's a fairy."



Fairies. It's a term used for spirits of natures. They are akin to dryads, however, a fairy is not bound to nature itself unlike a dryad. Instead, its bound to a certain concept. Thus, unlike dryads who cannot survive in areas with no life, faries can survive anywhere as long as it doesn't negate the fairy's concept.

They are elemental beings who have near-perfect control over various elements of nature like water, fire, space, time, mist etc. However, the famous ones are faries of fire, water, earth and wind.

When assuming a fairy, one would think of tiny humanoid creatures that have different features on their body, according to their respective elements. However, so far, there's no "child face" for a fairy as it is born with all the knowledge required to survive.

"... How did you even get something like that?" Seung-Ah asked with a knowing gaze. Clearly, fairries, even if famous, were actually rare. So rare in fact that aside from the normal lesser spirits called elementals, only a handful fairries have been recorded in history. And it's definitely not something a cadet should be able to find or have.

"That doesn't matter. I'm asking if you will allow me to adopt a fairy." he said. And after a bit of silence, the boy leaned on the back of his chair and added,

"Honestly, I don't even need your permission since I could hide her perfectly, but I didn't want to imprison her. And hiding her everything I went outside of cube would be a hassle, therefore this request."

"... Can you at least show me how it looks? And from how you mention 'her', it seems as if you're describing a child, but as far as we know, farries don't have 'child phase' or something like that."

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