Chapter 16 : New Training Facility

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3rd POV

The Next Day -- 5 AM Morning

Hajin was sleeping on the bed in his dorm room. The bed was all messy, it seems that Hajin was a heavy sleeper.

*Beep Beep*

The alarm clock rung as it's timer had reached the final point. Hajin started to slowly crawl on the bed trying to find the alarm clock to turn it off.

"Shut up!" Hajin yelled, still half-asleep. But the alarm clock kept ringing. Hajin kept trying to reach out his hand but couldn't do so. The alarm clock was on the corner of the table, and to set it off, Hajin had to get up, which he didn't want.

Finally, after 5 minutes of continuously hearing the sleep-killing noise, he got up from his bed and turned off the alarm clock.

"Finally, it shut up." Hajin was clearly a heavy sleeper, and it seemed that he was also not fond of waking up this early in the morning. It was all because of that damn deity that kep pestering him to train daily so he can get better at controlling his powers.

He walked towards the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then went in for a quick shower and got out a few minutes later. He then changed his clothes and went outside his room.

His destination was the training grounds, where he would train his affinity with the nothingness energy. His sponsor had told him that he could train with the ability to better control it, as for its destructive capacity, he could just use the output limiter like last time, but limit it to only 0.01 percent.

******After 5 minutes of walking, he finally reached the training ground. It was still early in the morning, so not many cadets were there. And since the final exam had finished, many cadets had went to meet their parents or other loved ones since cube had granted them a two week vacation. Others had went out to make some money in the meantime, so only a few cadets were still left in cube.

As he entered the training ground, he looked around to see a few cadets training as usual, although, the numbers were way less due to the above reasons.

Most of the cadets that he saw where well known in cube, the ones that were in the top 100 and training diligently to keep their rank from going down.

The main ones that he recognized were Suho, who was training with the sword as usual, Shin Jonghak, who was in the spear room, and Nayun, who surprisingly, was also training with the sword. It seemed that she had already started training as she lost her bet with Hajin. So, she had to start using the sword unless she wanted to go back on her words, which she didn't. She was just too pridefull.

After several steps of more walking, he also saw Rachel training with her rapier. Although, it seemed that she had increased the difficulty level of the training dummies. It was probably because she thought she wasn't strong enough from her fight with the butterfly monster and the assassins on the island.

'Poor girl... she went through a lot in the past and still had to keep her guard everywhere she went since she has a lot of enemies. She lost many of her loved ones in the Djjin attack and failed to keep the promise she made with herself, to protect her family. Yet there she is, still working hard to improve. Well, not that she has a choice, if she doesn't get stronger, the Djjins will hunt her down as soon as they get the chance.'

'Although, I have no right to say that since I was the one who wrote her background. Although it was indeed changed by the co-author and worsened, that still doesn't change the fact that I'm the one who wrote the base, the co-author just increased the length of the base.

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