Chapter 20 : Supreme Nature

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3rd POV

"Output... Limiter...?" Rachel asked while cutely tilting her head in confusion, totally not ignoring the horde of monsters behind her that numbered in thousands.

"Oh right, I forgot, you don't know that either..." Hajin said, sighing again.

"Well, you remember when I used my power on the Island right?"

"Yes." She answered while still focused on Hajin, instead of being focused on the monsters, but it was not she wasn't aware, she was just that sure that they couldn't harm her and Hajin after he told her about her new found powers and it's capabilities.

"Well, I was using this limiter back than." Hajin replied. He said it so nonchalantly that to those who didn't knew, he sounded arrogant, but to those who knew, they knew for sure he was talking the truth.

"..." Rachel starred at her. Even though she said she wouldn't be surprised anymore multiple times, she was, again, astonished. It wasn't that she didn't believe him, it was just that she couldn't even think that the enormous power she felt back than was not his full power.

"Seeing that you somewhat don't understand. Let me explain. An output limiter, as the name suggests, limits the output of one's power. It's mostly used when you want to get rid of your enemies but not destroy everything else in the process." He explained, than added more.

"To describe it's effeciency, the being who gave us both our powers previously said that my power was enough to easily destroy this planet while still holding back by a great deal. That's why I use the limiter everytime I use my powers so I don't accidently end up causing mass-destruction. And now, since you have similar and equal powers as well, you can also do what I can. So you also HAVE TO use the limiter everytime." He ended his long explanation.

"Do you understand now?"

"..." Rachel could only node in silence. She couldn't believe that she had such powers. She also couldn't understand why she received those powers. Not to be rude, but some stranger's voice randomly sounding in your head and giving you such powers are way too suspicious in her way of thinking, or actually, in any sane peson's way of thinking.

"So, do you know how to use the output limiter?" Hajin asked but she shaked her head in denial.

"Well, okay. It's not hard to use, so it won't be difficult to teach you right away." He said. "Now, try to imagine your powers in your mind."

"Hmm." She hummed, seemingly saying that she understood.

"Good, now tell me, what do you see?"

"Uhh... I see... a dark place, it's completely dark with no light... it's like a v-void that is devoid of anything... Oh wait, I can see something else, it's... a dark energy? It's purple, but my mind says it doesn't have a color."

"I can feel it... it's... destructive, but at the same time, it's... calm? It's like eternal rest, but it's also destruction. Eternal and ever-lasting destruction of everything to attain that rest. It's something like that. I can't understand or describe it, but I also can...?"

"Oh, that's the nature of your power. You see, I and you have the same powers, just, opposite in nature, but the same in base. Mine's like total non-existence that is caused by endless destruction, it's Chaos. While your power's nature is eternal rest, rest that is attained by destroying everything, To put it in simple terms, your power is the calm before the storm, while my power is the storm."


"Ok. Let's leave that as it is, now, try to wish for that energy you see to decrease, Wish for it to be less destructive, wish for the eternal rest to dominate and break the balance." Hajin said.At the same time, Hajin moved his empty hand towards the monsters that were now just a few tens of meters away from them and rushing towards them, huge serpents, dragons, goblin lords, ogres and ogre warriors, arch-elementals and much more. However, he didn't seem fazed by them at all.

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