18. I Knew He Was Trouble When He Walked In.

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8th march.

This was the day when I burnt all my memories with Deepak. The smiles, the wink and every sign of care and concern he showed. I was not heartbroken. I was in a dilemma. What to do? What not to do? I ended up doing something I was obviously going to regret.

I hooked up my mind on Akash. YES! Love is not something I can control. I had been there with him as he was my neighbour, for years and now when I am on the verge of taking my board exams next year, I have fallen in love with him. This is very Amarsahara-type behaviour. But can you control your sneeze or the people you love? No. And so I was suffering.

I had found a new obsession for myself. Akash. If I had fallen for stars before, I now fell in love with the entire sky. I had always been a fan of sky gazing. The blue, red and orange colours, the sky and the sun. My childhood memories were all about the summer season, mango juice and the clear sky. I was born for Nature.

And I came back to Nature. It took me 15 years to realize that I was meant to be with the sky. Akash. My Akash. I found something that was universal but only mine.

These were my thoughts on 8th August. I could not be more foolish because you can't rely on assumptions and one-sided attractions to write your love story. And if you do, you will end up writing it with blood rather than ink. And then complain that the person you loved murdered your dreams.

Anyways. Holi, the festival of colours came and I was practising Maths. If you know me, you know that I hate playing with colours. I hate pandal hopping during Durga Puja. And this is why I prefer to stay at home in my garden listening to English songs at max volume. But this time, there was a huge loudspeaker under the Banyan tree in my locality which avenged every neighbour who had been tolerating my crow-like voice and lyrics they could not decipher. And to torture me more, they played Bhojpuri songs. Wow!!!

Just when they had started playing and the children approached houses with colours, it started raining. What can be a better way to celebrate Holi than to drench yourself in water? Heavenly water.

It was 8:00 p.m. and I was solving sums when I heard his resonant laughter. His voice is so smooth and unique. I could easily tell that it was his voice even if the entire Mumbai was to settle here. I was not madly in love but his voice was unique, very unique.

At exactly 9:00, I got up from my bed and strode towards the door. I guess Mr. Door and I will be friends this year. My mom was watching a serial in an ear-piercing volume as the songs outside were neither soft nor decent. I opened the gate and turned my neck towards the right and I saw the blue sky at night.

Akash was wearing a navy blue and white checked shirt neatly tucked inside his black jeans. His beard was as maintained as Indian mom's houses when relatives were on their way. His height and his posture were two things that reminded me of a lion. I never had to go to the jungle as I could see the lion here at my doorstep. Call 911. I do not know what they do.

I wanted to smile at him and wish him a 'Happy Holi' but I was too shy. I had never been famous in my locality. I was a studious boy who seldom left his house and talking to this man here would take me a lifetime. Nevertheless, I admired him from a distance. All the other boys were drunk and were dancing, but he was sitting on the platform 50 metres away from the dance ground. Not that he did not drink, he did but love oversees all flaws. Doesn't it? I was the person who despised all the drunkards and today I was admiring one. But he did not drink and he did it on special occasions without losing any self-control. What more could I need?

I went back to my room only to look at him thrice and then sleep with an idea and a smile on my face. The next few months are going to be awesome.


This is why I say productivity is Selena And Taylor. I have been dancing to Lavender Haze and crying to MY MIND AND ME.

SO. What do you assume about Akash? 

Did you like Deepak?

Can you guess who is next?

Share and rejoice. 

Love, Amarsahara.

Love, Amarsahara

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