21. No Escapism Allowed. Cuz I Am Stuck.

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You never make the same mistakes twice. The second time you make it – it's a choice. And I had made a wrong choice.

June passed away and Akash was slowly getting out of not only my mind but my daily routine. It was a really grave disorder.

Our school reopened and there was a debate competition I was participating in. I was always hunting for opportunities to bunk classes.

I was sitting there with Harshita Di who was a vibe. She was the best person to spend time with, like Somya di.

Me: "Listen. You know nothing. I say Taylor Swift is best."

Harshita di: " Yes. But Taylena forever."

"Yeah, girl. Jelena and Taylena forever."

"Do you know of this song 'You need to calm down'?"

"Yeah. I love it."

And then we gave each other a fist bump. She was a vibe man. I tell you.

"Ok. Now let's prepare for the topic. Digital currency can never be a substitute for real money. I am against the motion. And I already spoke my piece. You all are baffled. I know. You can not say anything."

"I can." I heard a bass voice, a very unique and familiar voice. Where have I heard it? I guess it is somebody I have seen. Someone very rude and arrogant. Someone who is famous and has kissed my classmate as I know from rumours. But who is he? He? Oh. Yes. This is a male voice. But whose?

I lifted my head up from my copy and I saw a 5'6" or 5'4" tall boy in a high school uniform, as stoic as a stone. Beautiful expressions sullen and motionless by the expressionless look on his face. I remember this boy. He is Keshav Babu. Babu? My name?

I was too occupied in looking at his face when I did not realise the conversation between him and Harshita Di ended.

"Amar writes amazing poems. I mean they are so mature but eye-opening."

And this boy commented, "This is what happens when you watch 18+ content from a small age."

I was riled up. How could he judge me when he did not even know me? But I smiled at this comment. All the time they were talking I was looking at him. Keshav had been awarded the Master De-Nobili title, a prestigious award given to 10th graders each year. And I was confused as to why they had given it to him. He was so arrogant. He did nit even look at me. Why? I think I was not so beautiful that's why I did not play like him. Whatever? As if I am dying to be noticed.

Later we went into the library and he was sitting there with us. Harshita di was to my front-right, Somya to my front and surprisingly this boy was sitting beside me. I was apprehensive as I wanted to read my poem to my sisters in front of me. Oh sorry! Somya is not a sister. I was pansexual. But he did not know. And I did not want him to. He was a typical Indian boy who would call me names I would lose my control upon hearing those words. Nevertheless, I read it. He was not at all hearing. And I was pissed off and happy at the same time. After the poem ended, he opened his copy and wrote a few lines.

To my surprise, he gave that to me. Those were a few lines, a poem naturally and they were really good. I gasped and then to my surprise we shook hands and I praised his skills. Am I a mad man? I was cursing him minutes ago.

While we were sitting there I felt a bond strangle my neck and break the chains of Deepak. I saw my Deepak in Keshav. In his tone, his walk, his smile, his behaviour. Almost a stark resemblance. And I should not have but I kept the page he gave me in my diary. I rarely keep things in my diary. And I kept his poem!

I don't know but I felt nothing but I felt good.


Excitement level. OP!

Sadness level. More OP!

Worried scale. Most OP!

Guys, I am excited to write Mihir stories.

Guys, I am sad because I am sick.

Guys, I am worried because my oxygen supply is suffering from Angina Pectoris.

Love. Amarsahara.


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