Chapter 10

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"Have you ever heard of a werewolf?"

The question threw her off but she didn't think she ever had. She wrinkled her forehead in thought for a moment, then shook her head no. " I don't believe so."

"Good because a lot of the information out there is not correct. I am a werewolf. I have the ability to change into a wolf. I am not human."

Penny couldn't keep her eyes away from him now as she stared at him in disbelief. Was he insane? Had she been purchased by a crazy person?

Roland smiled at her disbelief. " I know I sound insane but I am not and I will prove it to you." He stood up and walked away from her and to the middle of the room. " Remember what I said that I will never hurt you? Please keep that in mind because I meant that. I will absolutely never hurt you. I do need to remove my clothing or it will be destroyed."

Her eyebrows raised at that but she didn't move from her chair. She wondered what he was doing.

"You can turn around if you wish." He began to undo the buttons of his shirt.

Penny's eyes widened with shock and she quickly averted her gaze. She heard the rustle of his clothes as he continued disrobing.

"Penny, I need you to turn around. I need you to see this with your own eyes so you believe me."

She lifted her eyes slowly back up to him and she felt her cheeks grow hot when she saw him naked. She wanted to look back down but couldn't tear her eyes away from him. Roland was quite beautiful. He had muscles everywhere she looked and she could feel herself growing warm all over.

Her eyes settled on THAT part of him and watched in fascination as it changed. Penny blushed furiously, dropping her gaze before looking back up at him. He was smirking at her, and she got the impression he enjoyed her looking at him. She wanted to sink into the floor in embarrassment.

"Please remember not to be afraid," he reminded her, as he suddenly started to change. Penny watched in horrid fascination as Roland suddenly became a wolf. He was right. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have never believed it.

Fear suddenly hit her as she realized she was in a room alone with a wolf and she stood, moving away. The wolf whined softly and sat down. Please remember not to be afraid. She remembered his words and took a deep calming breath. "I'm not afraid," she said to herself as she forced herself to sit back down at the table.

The wolf suddenly stood and a few moments later, Roland was again standing in the wolf's place. Penny averted her gaze while he dressed.

"Come." His words a few moments later made her look up and she was surprised to see him standing a few feet from her, fully dressed. He walked across the room to the fireplace and sat in a chair.

Penny studied him from her seat warily. She knew she should be afraid of him, but given how many times he had reassured her that he would not hurt her, she wasn't. Perhaps it was meant to lure her in, she thought, but pushed that thought aside.

She stood and walked over to him, sitting in the seat across from him. "Are you cursed?"

She saw him look up at her sharply. "No. I was born this way. I love being a wolf. It's who I am."

She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He seemed tense and she wondered why. "Are you .. human?"

"No. There are many of us around, Penny. More than you'd think. Quite a few in England that you have probably met and were unaware of their true nature," Roland said quietly.

"And humans are unaware?"

"Yes. Those who are prejudiced against us would hunt us down and kill us. We just wish to live our lives," Roland explained softly.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now