Chapter 3 - What the f*%k?!

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Ryoga hated prison labor. The only good thing he got out of it  was the more physically demanding it was the more it felt like building muscles. Still, he hated doing it when he's told to do it by people who couldn't do them. "So fucking bored. Huh?" He saw something on the floor that's not supposed to be there. A bra. A plain white bra. He picked it up and he could see the size was 34C. "It's Michi's." He should give it back to her before some other prisoner finds it and start sniffing it. "Fucking disgusting." It took so much willpower to not beat the prisoners who eyed Michiyo the wrong way. "The fuck's wrong with them? She's 15. That's fucking way too young for those assholes." It made him angry he could get in trouble if he were to exact justice upon these prisoners in question. He could see she was just ahead of him. "What is she doing?" Ryoga couldn't understand what Michiyo was trying to do because Michiyo was hesitating to go into the shower room. Did a cockroach go in there or something? It's a frequent occurrence here. 'I should tell her I found her bra and I will smack the shit out of the cockroach for her. Okay. I got the sentence in my head. Perfect. I can do this' Ryoga thought to himself as he walked over to Michiyo. Inukai promised him the more he try to communicate with others the more he will improve getting his thoughts across. He hope by talking to people like Michiyo who will not make fun of him will help him overcome his weakness. 'What did Inukai say? Smile? So I won't intimidate Michi. Got it.' He took one deep breath before he went to put his plan into action.

"Hm? Ryoga-chan?" She thought the way Mikoshiba called him was adorable so she wanted to call him that too. She's okay with Ryoga calling her Michi. The two of them were like brothers and sisters at this point. 

Ryoga smiled. In his head, he pictured the smile was friendly- like a cashier welcoming you with a smile as they asked what would you like to start your day. However, there were times when reality was very cruel to you because in Michiyo's point of view, Ryoga's smile looked very menacing.

"Hee...!" Michiyo felt intimidated! 'W-why is Ryoga-chan holding my bra and smiling like that?!' She didn't realize she dropped her clean bra until now! She's too scared to thank him because he was scaring her! "Um..."

"...smack it." 

"Excuse me? Smack?"

"I-I'll smack the shit out of it." 

"Eh? Eh???" She couldn't understand him though! And she's now thinking she must have done something to him that warranted a smack but she couldn't think of what she did so shaking like a leaf!

'Crap! She's shaking even more!' Ryoga was confused and he forgot what he was trying to do! His menacing smile never broke and it only served to make Michiyo more nervous with each passing second.

At the same time, Shion was about to sneak out of prison. He used his phone and got in contact with some cute girls so now he's sneaking out to meet them. "Hm?" He could see Ryoga and Michiyo. Shion put two and two together and he stubbed the cigarette out against the wall. "Michiyo-chan, Ryoga found your bra on the ground and he picked it up for you. I bet he wants to give it back." 

"Ah? Ah...r-right." Michiyo was shy now because Ryoga was still holding it. "I-I couldn't work it out because he's smiling like he wants to chew me alive..."

"...I can't blame you for thinking that. Ryoga, tone down the menacing smile and give it back to her." 

"Oh. Right." Ryoga returned the bra back to Michiyo. He nodded when Michiyo thanked him for picking it up.

"Then? You're going for a shower? Why are you not going in?" Shion asked as he took out another cigarette to smoke.

"About that...I'm scared someone else will come in." She couldn't find Inukai so she couldn't ask him to keep watch from outside for her. She couldn't find Mikoshiba either. 

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