Chapter 28 - Are you happy?

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Michiyo slowly opened her eyes and she saw Mikoshiba looking at her. "I thought it was just a dream..." She reached her right hand to the front of his tank top and she gently grasped it as she looked at him, "Shibaken..." 

He had taken off his hoodie so she could wear it. It will be a pain having to explain to her and Machiko why the back of the dress was cut open so this will have to do for now.

"Is what you want still the same?" 

Michiyo nodded at Mikoshiba's question, "I want to go home with you."

"Then let's go home." He held her right hand, trying to lift her up. "Can you walk?"

She tried to get up but she didn't have the strength to. She felt drained. Before she could panic, Mikoshiba sighed with a small smile on his face 

"You're needy. It can't be helped..." He turned his back to her and he got down in front of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, confused what he's trying to do.

"Trying to give you a piggyback ride home."

Michiyo looked at Mikoshiba's back and then she looked at Ryoga, "Ryoga-chan, please can you carry me home?" 


"Sure, kiddo." 

"Hah?! Why the fuck are you asking him to give you a lift home?!" Mikoshiba snapped at her for ignoring his generosity! 

"Because I'm scared you will drop me." 

"She has a point, Shibaken." Ryoga was not dissing him on purpose, he's pointing out the obvious, "You can't even beat me in arm wrestling." 

"This and that are two different things?!" He looked at Michiyo, "Get on my fucking back before I get real mad!" 

"But you're already mad?!" 

"Answer me back, will you?!" 

"Ahh!!!" Mikoshiba pinched her cheeks and he pulled as far as he could! 

Hancho was smoking outside the veranda with Shion. He was watching the purple fog fade away along with the smoke from his cigarette. For some reason, the one who entered Michiyo's memory was the kind and gentle Inukai so the other personality was keeping an eye out on the others until they woke up one by one.

Shion had to tell Hancho what happened in Michiyo's memory since he woke up first. "They didn't come in to even check on her..." Shion was kind of hoping anyone from Akanyatsura or even BAE will rush in and see if Michiyo was okay but none of them came in. He let out a heavy sigh and he smoked his cigarette some more.

"You seem annoyed." Hancho pointed out. 

"Do I seem that way?"

"She's unaware of things. The most we can do is get angry on her behalf so she can live as she can." 

Shion smiled a little but it was a sad smile, "Ryoga and I thought she could be happy living away from us. We thought she could finally live like a normal girl should. In the end, she can't live like one. It's sad." 

"Sad, huh?" Hancho looked back at Michiyo to see Mikoshiba managed to get her on his back. "So the brat will piggyback her home, huh? Heh, you're saying it's sad but isn't she looking real happy right now?" 

Shion looked at Michiyo to see she was secretly smiling to herself. He noticed her smile was the happiest.

"You're going to drop me." Michiyo complained. 

"Stop jinxing me! I'll drop you for real!"

" I heavy?" 

"You pig out a lot but you're not that heavy that I can't lift you." 

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