Chapter 22 - I'll find a way to get you home

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"Satsuki slept right in like a pig! I told you to wake me up!" 

"You're one to talk, Reo! You didn't wake me up either!" 

"I'm telling Aniki it's your fault if Michiyo-chan escapes!" 

"I can't get in trouble if I tell him first, you little brat!" 

"Aniki gave you the mission too so if I go down, you will go down with me! Are you stupid?!" 

It's only first thing in the morning and already Reo and Satsuki were bickering loudly. They seem to have forgotten some people were still asleep. Under normal circumstances, they would still be asleep but because they were given an important mission and they wanted to be praised by their well respected Aniki, they took on this mission without hesitation. It was a fairly easy mission: Make sure Michiyo do not leave the house. It sounded easy and all...that was until they realize they need to wake up before Michiyo did! Michiyo's disappearance from her bedroom set them both to panic mode! If she went back to GokuLuck, everything Iori did to get her here will be for nothing!

They scrambled and made it to the kitchen and they saw Zen talking to someone. 

"The utensils are here in this drawer. Oh, and please pour anything with oil into this container. We have a collection service to take them away. Never pour oil down the sink."

"Of course. It's common sense." Michiyo said to him, wondering why he just told her that.

Zen wanted to agree with her statement but there was a time when Satsuki and Reo nearly poured oil down the sink.

"Zen-nii!" Satsuki wasn't surprised to see Zen first thing in the morning but he was surprised to see Michiyo was still here. "M-M-M-Michiyo-chan was here the whole time?!" He's still shy about the idea of living under the roof with a girl. 

"Oh, Satsuki-kun and Reo-kun." Zen was surprised they were up! Usually he had to go and wake them. "Good morning!"

"Michiyo-chan, did Zen-nii force you to help him?" Reo asked Michiyo. 

"Unlike you two who push chores to one another at every opportunity, Michiyo-san asked if she can help." 

"We would help too, but Zen-nii you wake up too early. Zen-nii should cook breakfast at the time we naturally wake up!" Satsuki's suggestion sounded great and all but Zen made no comment because he knew if he listened to Satsuki, it will be lunch he's making not breakfast.

"Michiyo-chan, why didn't you escape? You could have walked past Zen-nii easily." Reo wanted to know why she didn't sneak out. 

Michiyo froze for a moment but she continued to cook. She chose to not answer Reo's question; if she chose to leave, she could make it home to Mikoshiba and the others. The fact she woke up before Reo and Satsuki proved she could do so if she tried. Even so, she didn't do that because she knew escaping will result in GokuLuck facing the forefront of Iori. She's not sure if Iori was serious or not but she knew the man had the power to do anything he put his eyes on. By staying here and behaving, she could protect the people she believed in. Besides, Hancho said he and everyone will come back for her. She chose to believe in him and in the other three whom she trust. "When he held me, I was happy..." She had a dream before she woke up today. She was thinking about how Mikoshiba held her by her waist. There's no way she could say it out loud because Mikoshiba will surely make fun of her; she wanted to stay in his hold for a little longer.

"What was that?" Reo didn't catch that.

"Ah. Nothing! Do you like your tamagoyaki sweet or salty?" 

"Sweet!" "Salty!" Reo and Satsuki said at the same time. They found an opportunity to bicker again! 

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