Chapter 12 - It's not even a big deal at all!

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"Hate doing the fucking washing. Fuck. Who the hell invented the idea of cleaning?" Ryoga was doing the cleaning and he was told to take the bed sheets and put it into the washing machine. "Huh?" There was a bucket and inside was a pair of panties. "Why did Michi leave her panties in a bucket of water?" He didn't touch it because he didn't know what was going on there. Did she not want her clothes washed along with the others? "Huh? Michi's bed sheet is missing." Why did he know it's hers in particular was missing when all the bed sheets were white? It all started from the first night of being here...

"Ah." Everyone looked at Shion when they're putting their bed sheets over the mattresses but because of how cheap the material was for the bed sheets, it's no surprising one poke from Shion's phantometal would poke a hole through it. 

"Hah! Someone made their bed sheet obvious! Now it will stand out among other bed sheets~!" Mikoshiba was not helping the situation at all.

Shion was annoyed. He's cold, the heating's not working properly, the room's cramped. And the person who just pissed him off was closer than usual. Should he just go and punch Mikoshiba?

"Shion, want to swap bed sheets?" Michiyo offered to swap, "They're all white anyway and the hole can be mended. I'll mend it tomorrow."  

Anger dispersed and angelic cuteness saved the night.

"Michiyo-chan, want to get married when you're older?"

"Hee~?! A proposal?! Yes!" 

"We'll get to the ceremony at much later dates but we can do other stuff like sharing a bed and get to know each other from there~." 

"Yes- gobah-?!" A pillow was thrown right at her face! 

"Don't go around saying yes to this pervert's every wish, Flowers for brain!" Mikoshiba was going to sleep at the top bunk because he liked to feel like he's king of the world but he jumped down from the top bunk with a change of mind. "You're sleeping up there."  

"But I don't  wanna sleep up there." Michiyo answered, "Going up and down will be a pain." Mikoshiba didn't take no for an answer and he pinched Michiyo's cheek and pulled it until she gave in painfully. "Ahhh! Fine! Fine! I'll sleep up there! Please stop pinching me! It hurts!" 

"Hmph! That's what I fucking thought!"

"No matter how I look at it, Shibaken likes Michi." Ryoga laughed a little when he remembered that night. He should tease him about it later but first he should go and get Michiyo's bed sheet. It should still be on her bed. Ryoga went back to the bedroom and on the way there, he saw Mikoshiba leaving the toilet. "Did you wash your hands?" 

"Of course I fucking did! And stop using so much toilet papers to wipe your shitty ass, you fucking moron!" 

"I didn't have a shit yet!"

"That fucking roll was changed just last night! How the fuck is it down to half a roll already?!" 

"How do you know that?" Ryoga asked. 

"Because I changed it. How the hell has the roll been used this much yet I didn't hear that many flush between last night and today? Someone's hoarding the fucking toilet roll!"

"Stop shouting so much. Your voice is giving me a headache." Ryoga opened the door to their bedroom. Just as he expected, he forgot about Michiyo's bed sheets.

"How the hell did you miss Flowers for brain out, you're a fucking moron." Mikoshiba was snickering at Ryoga's clumsiness.

"Shut up!" Ryoga didn't need to climb up the ladder. He grabbed the end of Michiyo's bed sheet to pull the sheet out but then he spotted something red. "What the?! Blood?!"

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