Chapter 25 - Why aren't any of you asking the most important question here?!

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"Iori, you do realize opening and closing time exists for a reason, right?" Kanbayashi Yohei wondered what was the point of having the opening and closing time written outside of the bar if this one person in particular waltz in whenever he felt like it?! "Who is this girl and where did she come from? She's a high schooler at best! And you better not tell me she's your woman because I will call the police on you for sure!" 

"Now, now, Danna, don't be like that! And I know what you are thinking- I am not a lolicon." The clarification was important! Why was it that when he's alone with Michiyo, he's called a lolicon but when she's alone with Zen, nobody says a thing about Zen being a lolicon? He's starting to feel a little afraid it will become a running gag of sorts! "I hear exams are coming up for my boys at school so your boy must need time to study too! Michiyo-chan can fill in for your boy!" Iori took Michiyo to Bar 4/7 because he thought it was better being in the house all the time. Club CANDY was not an appropriate place for her because he already got complaint from Anne about the fact Satsuki thought it was a good idea to take her there. "A bar is more age appropriate than a cabaret hostess club!" 'It was a good thing Machi wasn't there. If she was there, she would have chewed my head off along with Anne.' Iori couldn't help but think luck and fortune was really on his side! If Machiko hear about Michiyo getting harassed by an old man inside CANDY, she would have tried to bury Iori and Satsuki alive!

"You took her to CANDY?! I'm starting to think you are the embodiment of Akanyatsura." 

"Danna, it's not like that~! Ahahaha~!"

"I have no problem having Michiyo-san here." Saimon Naoakira was okay with Michiyo being here. He could more or less work out she must have a complicated circumstances like Shiki hence why she's not with her own family.

"Haha! I knew I can count on ya!" Iori was happy to hear Saimon was okay with the arrangements!

"No way. We already have Ryu to take care of. I don't want to take care of another one!" But getting past Yohei will be a difficult task! 

"Come on, Danna! She's a cute little bean!"

"I am not a lolicon." Yohei said to Iori with an irritated look. 

"Danna, I am not a lolicon either." 

"Master, Ryu-kun can hear it! The sound of ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum!" Because the adults were too engrossed in their conversation with one another, they didn't notice Ryu had come back from buying limes. When Ryu saw Michiyo, they chatted for a bit and now for some bizarre reason, Ryu's hugging Michiyo and pressing his head against the center of Michiyo's chest to listen to her heartbeat. "It's going to blow up if you're not careful, Micchi."

"...?!" Saimon and Iori almost choked on their drinks!  

"What the hell?!" Yohei had to forcefully remove Ryu from Michiyo! "You little pervert! Don't do what every man wish to do!" 

"Master, her heart goes badumbadumbadumbadumbadumbadum especially when she is looking at you." 

Michiyo looked to the side and she covered her face in embarrassment, "Because Kanbayashi-san is so handsome, I can't...! He's got a beauty mark near his mouth too...! So cool...!" 

"Boo-boo! Master's beauty mark is a mole." Ryu made an X with his arms.

"It's the same thing, Ryu! Well, she has functioning eyes and brain, I'll give her that." Yohei nodded in approval.

"Danna, yer totally happy with the compliments, aren't ya? With that being said! I'll come back and pick her up later. I have matters to tend to." 

"You better not abandon her." Yohei said to Iori. 

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