Chapter 4 - Why are there so much green stars in the jar?

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"You really are cruel, Shibaken. Have you forgotten she is a girl? She literally just got better today and you're telling her to volunteer cooking. You really have no tact." Shion was not in the position to say anything since he didn't stop Michiyo from going with Inukai, who was no longer Hancho.

"Hah? It's called gender equality. Besides, she said she's better." Mikoshiba did not look away from typing away from his laptop. He's typing lyrics in. There's no title for the song yet but he already got down some of his verse. However, the making of a song had so many trial and error to go through; what sounded right in your head might not sound right when you say it out loud so there's a lot to go over again and again.

What happened to Michiyo? Instead of spending the day in the infirmary, she got up and ate breakfast like normal. When Inukai asked them if they'd like to volunteer cooking, everyone but Michiyo turned him down. Michiyo went off with Inukai to help out in the kitchen. Mikoshiba never understood why she wanted to go into the kitchen when food never come out tasting good.

"She heals pretty quick." Ryoga noticed Michiyo healed rather quick. He got hit by batons with full force many times in the past and he felt the pains and bruises the very next day. Michiyo on the other hand got over it as if one night's sleep could get rid of it.

"Now that you mention it, doesn't it take 2 weeks for bruises to fade?" 

When Shion said that, Mikoshiba glanced at them for a moment before continuing typing away for the song for the opening show. "And do tell me, how do you know that?" 

"Sometimes things get rough in the bedroom and things that goes beyond your control happens- hence the bruising." 

"You really are the worst." Mikoshiba muttered in an exasperated manner. Did Shion really think all teenagers were that innocent and have no clue what he's talking about? But what Shion said was correct; Michiyo's bruises and injuries healed abnormally quicker than a normal person. She should be bedridden but she literally slept it off! Why was that? Why was Michiyo so special? Did she become the Mary Sue of the story? 

"I got it!" Both Shion and Mikoshiba looked at Ryoga who was grinning in utter confidence. "It's because she's healthy." Ryoga came to the only explainable conclusion he could make sense of: Health. "When you're healthy, everything heals quicker."

"That's not how the human body works, Muscles for brain!" Mikoshiba was utterly disappointed! That was his greatest answer?! Health?! "Don't just say the first thing that comes to mind, you moron!" He actually paused then and there thinking Ryoga actually have an answer but it turned out to be something moronic! He was wrong to ever think Ryoga had a brain let alone an answer! 

"Oi!" Wasn't it amazing how Ryoga had a fairly low boiling point but not once did he sock Mikoshiba in the face especially when the other deserved it?

"Good afternoon! You three must be hungry! Today's lunch is made by Michiyo-chan!" Holding a tray with a lot of onigiri, Inukai Yuto looked happy and proud since Michiyo was such a great help in the kitchen.

"..." Why was it that Inukai always come to the prisoners with the most happy go lucky face? It made the prisoners perplexed just how he could smile as if nothing terrible could ever happen in a prison. 

"Quit making that face! It's annoying!" Mikoshiba snapped at Inukai! 

"Uwah! Sorry! But would you like some, Mikoshiba-kun?" 

Mikoshiba made a tch noise before he turned his chair around. He looked at Michiyo and stared at her. Just what on earth was she? Something about her was not normal.

Michiyo felt nervous from Mikoshiba glaring at her so she pulled her hood up over her head and tried to hide her face from him. "T-there was too much rice so I made onigiri..."

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