Chapter 17 - No one is interested in your shitty love story

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"Shibaken, look! Machi bought me a new PJ!" When Mikoshiba looked at Michiyo, he almost laughed! Why was Michiyo wearing a lamb onesie?! There's even a bell on the neck?! 

"Oi, end every sentence like a lamb." 

"Like this, meeh~?" 

"Lamb." Ryoga said while looking at her. He swore, that was the cutest thing he ever witnessed!

"What a cute little lamb you are, Michiyo-chan! How about letting me be the big bad wolf that will gobble you up~?" When Shion said that, Michiyo covered her face with her hands and she screamed into it! 

"Meeh...!" She's fangirling over Shion's voice again! 

"Shut up, Shion." Mikoshiba pulled at Michiyo's hood! "And stop getting excited over this horn dog!"

"Ah! Stop pulling at my hood!" Michiyo cried!

Inukai returned and he returned looking all smiley-smiley. "Good news, everyone!" 

"I get to go out at night and meet the cute girls?" Shion asked. 

"New gym equipments?" Ryoga asked. 

"A better wifi?" Mikoshiba asked. 

"Pizza with stuffed crust?" Michiyo asked with a happy smile. 

"Stuffed crust...!" Mikoshiba's in the mood for pizza after he heard that!

"Eh? What? No, it's none of that. I'm meeting up with Machiko-san tomorrow~. Just us~."

The guys went back to their normal routine after hearing that because it wasn't anything of importance. 

"G-guys? Guys! Why are you all looking as if I got you excited and slapped you in the face! Guys?!" 

"We don't care about your love life." Ryoga bluntly said to Inukai as he opened the glass sliding door to the balcony. He's going for a smoke and Shion will join him too.

"Eh?! Why do you have to say it like that! I wanna talk about it some more!" Inukai followed Ryoga and Shion to smoke outside. He really wanted to talk to them about Machiko. 

Mikoshiba sighed; he really couldn't give two shits about Inukai's love life. In fact, he's hoping for Inukai and Machiko to stop seeing each other because he felt the woman constantly overstay her welcome and keep hogging Michiyo to herself. How was he supposed to make a servant out of Michiyo if Machiko constantly spoil her?! "Tch. All I did was bullshit her and she hit me. What kind of gorilla go ahead and hit a minor? And she's the adult here." He looked at Michiyo, "Oi, I'm gonna hack some weirdo's Netflix account. We're watching something together." 

"Eh? Ah...okay." 

'What's with that face?' He thought to himself; she was making the kind of face young students will make when their homework's due date was close and they haven't started on it yet.

Mikoshiba thought nothing of it and he turned his laptop on as he began hacking some idiot who left too much of their footprint on the internet that he could hack them. It didn't take him long to hack someone's account. What should he watch? Anime? Korean zombie drama? There's so much to go for. "Done." 

"Wow! You're a genius hacker!" Michiyo looked very happy as he started to scroll through the many dramas and movie to watch. 

"Heh! That's nothing!" He will not tell her this but he liked the way she stroked his ego. 

She suddenly turned his chair around so his body was facing her! "Shibaken, if I ask for your help, will you help me?" 


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