Chapter 13 - a confession

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"you look absolutely beautiful miss" one of the salon workers said to Ino as  she walked out of the dressing room, "Thank you" Ino said shyly looking in the mirror she couldn't believe that it was her, "excuse me miss I'm here to pick you up, as ordered by Mr Haitani" a tall man in a black suit said bowing to Ino "please don't bow sir" Ino said frantically as he raised his head to look at her delicate figure "alright miss, shall we get going?" He asked in a calm monotone, "yes of course, "Ino said grabbing her purse and waving good-bye to the women in the salon.

Ino nervously followed the man to an expensive black tinted car parked outside, "evening miss" another man said opening the door for her, "good evening" she responded shortly before getting into the car with a little assistance from the first man, the car was spacious and the seats were a very comfortable and lavish red leather, the back seat was private with a glass demacating the front from the back.

"Is this who Mr Haitani told us to pick up?" The driver asked the body guard who was in the passenger seat, "yeah shocking right, I expected some stuck up bitch but she's actually really respectful" the bodyguard said lighting a cigarette, "hey no smoking what if she doesn't like it, besides she got the looks" the driver responded, "yeah but she looks so delicate, like she could break at the slightest touch" the bodyguard said discarding the cigarette after a few puffs, "don't forget that the other gaurd went missing because of her, don't get too comfortable" the driver said carefully watching the road.

Ino sat in the back quietly watching the buildings passby she couldn't help but feel anxious, she was never allowed to attend social gatherings so everything was new to her, she looked at her reflection in the small mirror in her purse, the makeup was light and the jewelry was beautiful her hair neatly curled with expensive clips holding it in place, her eyes went down to her nails, heels and deep blue dress Ran had chosen for her earlier, not sure of what to make of the whole ordeal she still felt awkward in all these but she was starting to get use to it bit by bit.

Ino's phone rang causing her to flinch before looking at the screen, it was Ran, she took a deep breath before slowly answering,
"hello?" Her voice came out almost in a whisper
"hello there princess, how are you?" Ran asked playfully
"I'm fine Mr Ran, how are you?" she returned the question after answering
"I'm fine princess I'm about to start heading to the party right now what about you?" Ran questioned
"yes I'm on my way too" she answered "well I can't wait to see how beautiful you look, how are the gaurds treating you?" He asked
"they're fine sir" Ino replied softly, "alright I'll see you there take care alright" Ran playfully demanded
"yes sir I will, have a safe drive" she said
"alright then" he said before ending the call.

"We're nearly there miss" the driver announced after he brought the glass the halfway, "um if you don't mind me asking what type of party is it exactly?" Ino inquired from the two men who just gave each other confused looks, "miss you don't know?" The bodyguard asked, "no I forgot to ask" she sheepishly replied, "well it's a gathering of alot of 'business' associates it's better if you stick with who you know in a place like that" the driver explained, "alright thank you" she said before the window was drawn up.

"What the hell she knows nothing, you should escort her inside for good measure" the driver suggested, "no problem if anything happens to her we'll both be dead" the bodyguard agreed, after a few more minutes they arrived at the venue they were crowds and paparazzi gathered at the entrance, the bright lights and sound of clicking cameras forming the background noise as different couples and groups made their way in, "would you like me to escort you in miss?" The bodyguard suggested to Ino who was nervously looking out the window as they parked in front of the building.

Ino nodded as the bodyguard quickly came out of the front to help her out of the car, as soon as the back door was open the blinding lights of multiple cameras were directed towards her, Ino quickly took the hand of the gaurd who helped her down, she was constantly taking deep breaths as they walked the red carpets questions being asked here and there
"excuse me who are you ma'am?"
"Which group are you affiliated with miss?"
"Are you part of the top members?"

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