Chapter 15 - rival

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"why didn't you tell me you were ordering for all of us?" Miwa questioned Kokonoi, "because you insisted on going first" Kokonoi said exhausted, "whatever" Miwa huffed as she looked over to Ino who was getting all the attention of the executives just by eating ice cream, she gripped her spoon tightly 'what did she have', "do you like this flavour princess?" Ran asked watching the girl blush from the nickname, "um yes it's very nice" she replied softly.

"Well that was tasty" Sanzu laughed after finishing his bowl of strawberry ice cream, "we should get going" Mikey announced standing up, "yes of course it's getting quite late" Takeomi agreed.

The whole gang left and in a few minutes they were back at the mansion, "I'll take a bath and head straight to bed" Kokonoi said stretching, "did you enjoy yourself?" Mikey asked stoically as everyone listened to hear her answer, "yes I had fun and the desserts were really delicious" Ino answered smiling, "well that's good" Rindou said unexpectedly pecking her cheek.

Everyone eventually split up and went to their various rooms except for Ino who snuck into the kitchen to clean up a little to reduce the amount of work she would be doing tomorrow, when she was done she made went to her room, but to her surprise  Miwa was sitted comfortably on her bed filing her nails, "oh you're here I've been waiting" Miwa said looking up from her nails.

Miwa stood up to meet Ino, the younger girl could then noticed what she was wearing an extremely short transparent silk nightgown which fully exposed the lingerie set she wore under, Ino couldn't even phantom walking around in something like that.

"Is there anything I c-" Ino started before getting cut off by Miwa Listen bitch" she said aggressively grabbing Ino's hair, "no one can ever take my place so drop that whole innocent act it won't work on me" Miwa hissed roughly letting go of hair, "tell me something do you know anything about the men in the building?" Miwa asked Ino who just shook her head being to taken back to respond, "ha as I thought" she chuckled darkly, "you know nothing about them and haven't offered them your body either so whatever is keeping you in this place is bound to wear off eventually" she added, "but they would never get rid of me" Ino responded getting a sudden rush of confidence, "aww and you believe that? You must be stupid but don't worry even though they won't get rid of you I'm sure you won't be able to stomach looking at them in the face when you eventually find out what they do for a living" Miwa chuckled, "what do they do?" Ino asked meekly, "don't worry I'll show you, now out of my way" Miwa spat roughly pushing Ino out of the way before she walked out the door.

Ino stayed on the floor for a few more minutes after Miwa left, she was trying to actually figure out what the men she held closely did for a living, they were rich that was for sure, she always thought of them as business men but why would that make her resent them in any way, or was it the type of business?
With a heavy sigh Ino picked herself up and got ready for bed, she changed into her cotton candy pajamas before getting into bed.

Two hours later Ino wasn't able to fall asleep partly because her thoughts were all over the place and partly because of the noises that came from her neighboring room, it was Ran's room, she may have been innocent but not stupid the internet had begun to open her eyes to a few things, she saw the direction Miwa went and coupled with what she was wearing and the sound of slapping skin and lewd moans she was able to piece one and two together, deciding she couldn't sleep Ino decided to go downstairs and prepare herself a cup of hot chocolate maybe that would lul her to sleep.

After a few minutes she made a jug of hot chocolate, she had never been able to make things in small portions so the plan was to save the rest for another day, deciding she would prefer to drink hers with tiny marshmallows she began to look threw the pantry for the pack before someone called out for her, "couldn't sleep?" A familiar male's voice called from behind her.

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