Chapter 7 - Lieutenant Commander Thach

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Until the air raid by the Midway Base air unit on the 1st Air Fleet began, there was little time. During that time, I had given some instructions to squadron leaders such as Commander Genda and the flight commander of the Akagi regarding interception tactics.

"I've designated the dive bombers for the low-altitude enemy torpedo bombers, and the fighters for the enemy dive bombers entering from medium to high altitude. Deploy some fighters at low altitudes, just in case. The dive bombers can handle the TBDs carrying heavy torpedoes, but it's a bit tricky when dealing with nimble enemy fighters. Since the enemy torpedo squadrons likely have some escort fighters, fighters are needed to counter them. Also, be cautious because there is a formidable fighter pilot named Thach among the enemies. His new tactics in this Midway battle are extremely tricky."

Saying that, I conveyed the tactics known as the Thach Weave, which John S. Thach would showcase for the first time against Zeros in this battle, and strategies to counter it. However, it was all based on information I had read in documents or commercial magazines.

"I understand the details about his new tactics. Since time is short, it's difficult to communicate this to other carrier fighter squadrons, but I will make sure to inform the Akagi fighter squadron thoroughly on my end. Also, let's assign the guardians for the low-altitude dive bombers to the first squadron. Squadron leader Lieutenant Commander Itaya is currently heading towards the attack on Midway, but as soon as he returns, I will personally inform him of these matters. In a showdown between Japan and the United States' lieutenant commanders, he will surely bring us victory."

The flight commander of the Akagi smiled with a hint of intimidation while saying this. No matter how skilled Thach was, it seems he had complete faith that Lieutenant Commander Shigeru Itaya, especially if he understood the opponent's tactics, would not fall behind. It was a showdown between pilots of the same rank. Perhaps the Akagi flight commander was in a spirited state due to the excitement of such a rank-to-rank confrontation.

In the midst of this, a petty officer assigned to me approached and spoke.

"Jun-sama, it's about 20 minutes until the scheduled time."

"Um, excuse me, but can you cease with the honorifics?"

The earnest-looking officer, who seemed very loyal to his duties at first glance, might also be a watchdog assigned to monitor me.

"I apologize, but I have been strictly instructed by the Vice Admiral to address you with the utmost respect. Also, I have been discreetly informed that you are considered a servant of God, so there is no other way for a lowly person like me to address you."

With that said, there was nothing for me to respond. It was true that I had casually mentioned being a servant of God.

"Okay. Can you guide me to the flight deck, then?"

Saying that, I followed the petty officer. It was 06:45 local time. The first air raid on the 1st Air Fleet was approaching in about 20 minutes.

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