Chapter 35 - Commander-in-Chief of the Second Fleet

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In the pre-battle estimates, the strength of the American fleet deployed in the vicinity of Midway included four to five aircraft carriers, all of them new types, four battleships, and additionally, an estimated fifteen to twenty cruisers, along with around forty to fifty destroyers. The total number of aircraft, combining the mobile fleet and the Midway base air force, easily exceeded 500 planes, and it was anticipated to be comparable to the Third Fleet in sheer numbers.

If the air forces of Japan and the United States were to engage in a fierce battle, even the formidable Third Fleet would inevitably face a tough struggle. Even if victory were ultimately achieved, it would be unavoidable to lose a significant number of invaluable crew members, and some carriers would likely be sunk. Therefore, I decided to put into practice the teaching, "Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others," although I have forgotten who said it, in order to minimize these losses.

The model for this strategy is the naval bombardment conducted by the battleships Kongō and Haruna against the famous Henderson Field. The same strategy is being implemented on a larger scale against the Midway base. The operational actions have already begun. The Second Fleet is lurking just beyond the range of the single-engine planes deployed at Midway Atoll, starting its advance before sunset, and conducting naval bombardment against the island's facilities and airfields before daybreak. During this time, the Third Fleet, positioned in the rear, searches for enemy fleets and provides air cover for the Second Fleet.

However, with such an overt strategy, the Americans are likely to discern our intentions. To prevent the Second Fleet, which was planning a naval bombardment on Midway, the Americans were almost certain to dispatch a surface strike force, including new battleships. The Second Fleet must break through this defense line and destroy the Midway base overnight. If unsuccessful, the Second Fleet will suffer significant damage from the Midway base air force arriving at dawn.

The Second Fleet has already endured bombing by B-17s. Due to high-altitude horizontal bombing and persistent interference from the Zero fighters dispatched by the Third Fleet, all ships successfully avoided damage. On the other hand, the Zero fighter squadron guarding the airspace above the Second Fleet struggled against the heavily defended B-17s, unfortunately allowing many of them to escape.

. . .

"As Jun-san predicted, it seems the enemy has dispatched only B-17s. I was prepared for the possibility of a one-way attack by single-engine planes, but it seems that concern was unfounded."

As he spoke, Vice Admiral Nagumo, who was promoted from the commander of the Third Fleet to the commander of the Second Fleet this autumn, smiled at me. His command and achievements in the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, and the Second Battle of the Coral Sea were recognized, and he finally became the commander of the night battle unit. Although the title of the Second Fleet of the night battle unit is already a thing of the past, he seemed much happier than leading an unfamiliar carrier fleet. Compared to the time of the Battle of Midway and the Second Battle of the Coral Sea, he looked healthier and his speech was smoother. In addition, the Combined Fleet had entrusted him with the 1st Battleship Division, including the Yamato.

"It's a waste to let the Yamato play as the flagship of the Combined Fleet. The Combined Fleet headquarters should be on solid ground with well-equipped communication facilities."

The reason for this decision may be that I pressured Admiral Yamamoto to do so. Vice Admiral Nagumo looked genuinely pleased beside me, but I decided to insert a word of caution.

"Don't underestimate the enemy just because the Yamato is strong. The new enemy battleships with excellent radar may be formidable opponents in night battles surpassing the Yamato. Furthermore, the enemy cruisers also have many new classes, and like battleships, they are equipped with excellent new radar, so they should not be underestimated."

"It's not just because of the Yamato that I can afford to be at ease. Jun-san, it's thanks to you. I thought you would go to the Third Fleet of the carrier fleet, but you came here. Just having you here feels like a reinforcement of ten thousand."

Thinking about how to respond to Vice Admiral Nagumo's trusting smile, I considered it. Certainly, it's more reassuring to be trusted than to be doubted, but on the other hand, I am nothing more than an all-rounder mage who received cheats from the goddess. To be clear, I don't have the extraordinary power to overturn the war situation.

"I am a divine servant, not a god. There are limits to the power I can wield. I couldn't even save Mikuma at that time."

Whether there is an invisible power that can be called history's power to correct itself is still unknown, but for me, letting Mikuma sink was nothing but a regrettable event.

"At that time, you weren't there. It can't be helped. I take responsibility for the loss of Mikuma at that time, as the one who was in command. Jun-san, you don't need to worry about it. More importantly, any changes in the movement of the American fleet?"

Or maybe I looked sullen. Vice Admiral Nagumo smoothly changed the topic. It's surprising that I can make the fleet commander feel considerate. I activated perception magic and focused my nerves on the sea area ahead. The perception magic, which has clearly improved in accuracy since approaching the enemy, discovered new information.

"The movement is the same as it was a while ago. In order to prevent the advance of the Second Fleet from the northeast to the southwest, they are moving back and forth behind Midway Atoll. In addition, I couldn't identify the detailed ship types, but there are four significantly large responses. These are undoubtedly the latest American battleships. There are also small ones numbered fifteen to sixteen, which are probably destroyers. There are also six of medium size, which I think are cruisers."

"Oh, you can tell that much. Truly, Jun-san. In that case, the enemy consists of four battleships, six cruisers, and a destroyer squadron. In any case, it's truly invaluable to know the details of the enemy's strength before engaging in combat. Thank you again."

With the information obtained from perception magic, Vice Admiral Nagumo smiled and thanked me. His expression was filled with confidence and joy, something I couldn't see until the end on the bridges of carriers like the Akagi and Shōkaku.

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