Chapter 26 - Advantageous Position

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The two-stage reconnaissance by two dozen B5N torpedo bombers and six E13A seaplanes had indeed successfully detected two American carrier groups. Each of them formed a typical circular formation with a carrier as the core, surrounded by cruisers and destroyers. However, it was believed that the American fleet would send the Enterprise, Saratoga, and Wasp to intercept, meaning it was not the entirety of the expected forces.

"Did we choose the wrong day for the sortie?"

When I heard the initial report from the reconnaissance planes, I couldn't help but think that. Having hindsight doesn't mean you know everything. Naturally, details such as the weather conditions in the combat area on that day were not known. The weather conditions were evidently unfavorable for the Japanese side and advantageous for the Americans. According to the reconnaissance plane reports, the area where the American task force was located had thick cloud cover, and sporadic squalls with dense clouds were occurring. Even under such adverse conditions, the reconnaissance task force pilots were able to locate the enemy task force because they had been instructed beforehand to "fly beneath the clouds without hesitation when in doubt." On the other hand, the sky above the Third Fleet, while not clear, did not have as much cloud cover, and there were no hiding places with dense clouds amid squalls.

The Third Fleet had just been exposed by the SBD Dauntless launched by the American task force. The advantage, whether it be geographical or meteorological, was clearly leaning in favor of the Americans. However, there was no sign of panic in the Third Fleet headquarters. It was a common understanding among the Third Fleet headquarters members that there were three enemy carriers, but they had only located two of them.

"Jun-san, what do you think?"

Vice Admiral Nagumo skipped Chief of Staff Kusaka and asked me. Well, I'm not a staff officer, so it's not a deviation from the command hierarchy, but I couldn't help glancing at Chief of Staff Kusaka. On the other hand, the person in question, who received my impolite gaze, gave me a smile. It seemed like he didn't mind.

"I think we should immediately send out the first attack group. Additionally, the second attack group should follow as quickly as possible. Regarding the two already discovered groups, Zuikaku and Kaga units will handle them. Shōkaku's unit should search the surrounding area for a while. If a third carrier is found, attack it. If not, pursue the discovered enemy carrier group. In any case, since we have already been discovered, an aerial assault from American carrier-based planes is inevitable. Holding back the launch of the attack squadrons until we find the third carrier would be a bad move."

My words seemed to align with what Vice Admiral Nagumo had been considering. After receiving my words, he turned to Chief of Staff Kusaka.

"I have no particular objection to Jun-san's proposal. Let's send out the attack squadrons immediately."

Chief of Staff Kusaka, who usually maintained a calm attitude, showed an unusual enthusiasm as he expressed agreement. Aviation staff officers like Commander Genda and Lieutenant Commander Tadakazu Yoshioka nodded vigorously.

"All right, launch the first attack group. After the first wave has launched, send out the second attack group immediately. Unleash all the accumulated frustrations at Midway on the American task force."

In a tone more encouraging than one would expect from a commander-in-chief leading a grand fleet, Vice Admiral Nagumo ordered the launch of the attack squadrons. At that moment, I thought to myself. Ah, the stress that a top leader like the Vice Admiral must be experiencing is probably even greater than I imagine.

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