Chapter 51 - Information of the Divine Servant

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"The Indomitable, Formidable, and Illustrious, have all been hit."

One of the staff officers continued reporting to Admiral Somerville with a puzzled expression.

"All three aircraft carriers were attacked just before the torpedo bombers took off. As a result, the Tarpons lined up on the flight decks of each carrier exploded and are currently blazing, with efforts focused on firefighting. Detailed damage reports have not yet been received."

There was no need to hear detailed damage reports. No matter how high the defensive armor of an aircraft carrier is, if a multitude of torpedo bombers carrying payloads explode on the flight deck, the combat capability is lost at that moment.

"Do we know the source of the attack that caused damage to the three carriers?"

"The attack that caused damage to the three carriers came from a seaplane high above the aircraft carrier fleet, and three red light bullets suddenly struck the carriers from the position of that aircraft, as a result, the torpedo bombers detonated."

In response to Somerville's question, a staff officer with a difficult expression relayed the report from the aircraft carrier group.

"If we believe the story, taking down three carriers with three shots is hard to believe. It's either a divine or demonic feat of a hundred percent accurate attack."

While saying this, Somerville recalled information provided by the United States. During the Second Battle of Midway, four state-of-the-art American battleships were attacked by red light bullets from what seemed to be low-flying seaplanes, and each had its essential components of the fire control system, such as radar and optical rangefinders on top of the bridge, destroyed. Although there is a difference between high altitude and low altitude in the current and the Second Battle of Midway, there are common points such as red light bullets and an unusually high accuracy.

"Just now, you referred to it as the work of a god or demon, sir. Information from the Americans has also been provided that a being named 'Jun,' a so-called divine servant, descended upon the Japanese Navy. This Jun not only went on a rampage against American planes and ships but also healed severely wounded personnel with the power of a god. Furthermore, this individual is said to be involved in the attacks on the bridges of the four American battleships. However, the story was so absurd that I initially thought it was a fabricated tall tale by the losing Americans. However, if we consider that this Jun is responsible for the damage to the three carriers, it makes sense."

"I read that report as well. At first, I thought the navy that would create such a ridiculous report must be the reason for their defeat. However, this might not be the case. If the Americans' report is correct, and this individual named Jun is planning the next move, then..."

Without stating a conclusion, Somerville looked at his staff. The staff, deducing his intention, responded at once.

"Jun will undoubtedly come to blind the eyes of the battleships. His target will be the top of the battleship's bridge, just like during the Second Battle of Midway."

Agreeing with the staff's answer, Somerville issued an order.

"Prepare for anti-air combat. Shoot down any aircraft in the sky, regardless of its type. Do not let it get close to the battleship under any circumstances!"

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