V.1-Ch.5.1: Solitude

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Advanced Nurturing High School; Class 1-D

Another week passed and classes in school went on as usual. By morning, I arrived in the classroom and sat at my desk, placing my bag at my legs. I looked around and noticed that there were far less students now. In the past few days, they have been missing class-skipping or being late on purpose.

I let out a disappointed sigh. "My classmates are quite troublesome..." I muttered to myself.

After a few minutes passed by, the bell rang and Matsubara-sensei stepped into the room. As she stood at the front of the podium prepared to speak, the rest of our classmates finally arrived. Matsubara-sensei noted them and their tardiness in mind, then told them to sit down.

"Alright then. Seeing that you are all here now, I will begin," Matsubara-sensei said in a disappointed tone. "Since this is the end of the month, you will all be having a test. Please, pass these out face-down and wait until I tell you to flip them over."

"W-Wait, what?! I wasn't prepared for this!" Azuma shouted.

"Don't worry about it. This is just a mock test. In other words, whatever score you get on there won't be reflected on your grades."

"R-Really? Thank god..."

"Um, Matsubara-sensei, why are we doing this on paper? Wouldn't it be better if we were to use our tablets?" At the beginning of the school year, we were given personal tablets for us to use in the classroom. They were a tool we could use for things such as communication, photography, graphics, and taking notes in class. They were much quicker and easier to use than your normal textbooks.

"That's true, but doing this by hand is more traditional and more efficient for all of us, wouldn't you say?"

"I-I suppose you're right about that..." It was difficult to say whether digital or physical was better than the other, but each had their pros and cons. As Matsubara-sensei said, paper was more familiar to us and better to work with.

"Now then, since everyone has gotten their paper, let us move on. As always, cheating is prohibited. If you struggle on any of the questions, just answer them to the best of your abilities, even if you don't think it's right."

With that, we started the test by flipping over our papers. Before I moved to answer any of the questions, I took a quick glance at all of them. There were a total of twenty questions; four questions per subject. Each was worth five points, so these twenty questions equal one-hundred points. Most of them were quite easy questions which junior-high students and even us could handle. However, at the end of the sheet of paper, there were three questions that seemed to be at a higher difficulty-around college-level.

Well, I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I'll just do my best for now. I moved my hand and using my pen, I easily answered question after question. After a few minutes, I had arrived at the end of the test with the last three questions.

They all involved complex mathematics, and the final one needed a certain formula in order to get it correct. My mother-a talented and highly academic individual-taught me all that I needed to know. Therefore, I was quite confident in my abilities and skills when faced with these questions. However, one mistake and I could possibly get it wrong. Ignoring these thoughts, I answered the final questions the best I could.

Hours later...

After the mock test, and after my classes, it was now the end of the day. I grabbed my bag and stood up from my seat, heading towards the door of the classroom to leave.


I turned and saw a familiar figure. "Karuizawa-san?"

"Are you heading back to your room?" she asked me and I nodded. "I see. Hey Horikita-san, if you have some free time, would you like to go out with me and a few of my friends?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. I'm better off alone. I apologize." With that, I left the classroom.


I stared at the door where the lone girl left the class and saw Karuizawa standing next to it with a frown on her face. I sighed and turned my attention to the window to my left. Such wasted potential... I thought to myself.

From the first day of school, I have been closely analyzing this girl known as Horikita Misaki. She's a shy and lonely girl who keeps to herself, distancing from others and doing nothing but study and work. Beneath that mask she wears, she is an intelligent and wise individual who has the ability to surpass others, even geniuses. Yet, that is merely a fraction of her full potential. I've come to realize that she's been holding back, but not by purpose. Something is in the way, and she has yet found a solution to overcome it.

She lacks allies and the necessary skills for leadership. She does not have control over others, yet alone herself. If she tapped into her full potential, if she can utilize it, perhaps she can become a powerful person who is capable of taking on any challenge and any opponent.

So far, I've been disappointed. However, I will decide to wait just a little longer and continue watching her from the sidelines as she grows. If there comes a time where she can't move, I'll step in.

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