V.2 Ryuen Takemi SS-An Old Face

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I was walking around Keyaki Mall by myself. Unlike everyone else, I didn't come here to go shopping or browsing or anything. I was here to find Bushida Tetsu. I've been wanting to talk to him, but I haven't gotten an answer when I tried contacting him. He was honestly so annoying and frustrating to deal with.

"Where the hell are you...?!!" I muttered to myself, gritting my teeth.

At the moment, Bushida was our Class Representative and had control over most of the class. Only a few of them were on my side. When I came here to this school, I was planning to become our class' leader, but he had taken the position and now they were following him. They were loyal too. No matter what I did to try to get them to come to my side, they refused. At that point, I realized that the only way for my class to listen to me and see me as their Class Representative was to take down Bushida. How? The one way my father taught me: violence.

However, I knew it wouldn't be easy. He was hardly intimidated by me, and he was far too smart to give in to anything I say. I had so many plans waiting to be used on him. When he does accept my challenge one day, I'll take him down. I'll break his bones, I'll beat the living-

"Hm?" Speak of the devil. Just as I was about to vent out my anger, I finally found him near a fountain, and he wasn't alone. There was Orlov and Okada, two classmates who were his close and loyal friends. And as for the other two...

Class D? And that student...that black hair...

"Hey!" I shouted, grabbing their attention.

"Yo, Takemi!" Bushida greeted me with a stupid grin on his face.

"Don't call me by my first name like you know me...!"

He started apologizing to me, then asked me why I was here. Rather than telling him the truth, I reminded him about our situation between our class and Class D. It was undoubtedly stupid for him to think that he could come here and talk to them so casually. If anyone saw them, they would likely be in trouble. That's when Bushida decided that it was time to leave.

"Be seeing ya, Horikita." Bushida and the other two walked away from us, leaving the mall. I sighed, then turned around to look at the girl.

"It's been a long time, Misaki."

"It has...Takemi. How's your family?"

Seriously? She had to bring them up? I sighed heavily. "...Still the same as ever, last time I saw them. Parents are so busy, they can't stick around. They always have Albert and Ishizaki come over almost every time just to watch over us like we're kids."

"I see. Is your Otouto doing well?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate my family or anything. They were just frustrating to deal with all the time. My mother? She could barely do anything around the house like a normal mother could, and like me, she had anger issues. My father? He was too busy fighting and drinking, and he was flirting with mother almost all of the time. Out of everyone in my family however, I'd say my little brother was the most annoying.

He was two years younger than me. As an older sister, he depended on me every time for many years. I was irritated that he couldn't do a damn thing himself. When I came here to this school, I finally got away from him. Hopefully this way, he could learn how to handle himself.

Moving on from the family talk, Misaki started to ask me about the situation between her classmate, Tsukamoto Tamotsu, and three of my own classmates from Class C. She was asking me to help her in any way I could. I gave her my honest answer.

"Sorry, I can't."

Like hell was I going to help her. We were in different classes, which meant we were enemies. Our past relationship means nothing here at this school. Not only that, but I wasn't going to betray my class to aid the enemy class, especially Misaki's. The thought of helping her was going to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Besides, I'm going to crush her once I'm done with Bushida.

"...Very well. If that's what you wish, so be it."

"Good." Turning my head, I looked at the boy next to her. "And who's this? Your boyfriend?"

"Not a chance," she immediately denied it.

I chuckled. "Ku ku. Of course not. I mean, it's so obvious. You hardly have any chances of talking to a boy, yet alone being so close to one."

"Oh? And where's yours?"

Hearing that, I turned towards her, grinning and giving her a glare. "I don't have one..." Our eyes locked on to each other as we gave the other a menacing look. We both stood still, and none of us spoke at all.

This feeling...this excitement...ku ku. It's been a long time since I've felt this. I've almost forgotten about it. Once I'm done with Bushida, I can't wait to challenge you!

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