1] Echoes Of The Past.

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Chapter One: Echoes of the Past

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Chapter One: Echoes of the Past

The moon cast a pale glow through the window, illuminating the room where Virat lay asleep. Yet, his slumber was restless, haunted by memories that refused to fade with time.

In the depths of his dreams, he found himself transported back to a nightmarish scene—a night etched in his mind with the permanence of a scar.

Voices echoed in the darkness, jeers and taunts that cut through the silence like shards of glass.

Virat’s heart pounded in his chest as he relived the chaos of that fateful night seven years ago.

He could still feel the weight of the crowd’s anger, the heat of their fury burning like a wildfire out of control.

In his dream, Virat stumbled through the corridors of his home, searching desperately for his sister, Vaishnavi.

Panic clawed at his chest as he reached her room, his hand trembling as he pushed open the door.

But the room was empty, devoid of life except for the memories that lingered in the air like a ghostly presence.

His eyes fell upon a letter lying on Vaishnavi’s bedside table, a cruel reminder of the pain she had inflicted upon them all.

With trembling hands, Virat picked up the letter, his heart sinking as he read the words written upon it.

"Why, Vaishnavi?" he whispered, his voice barely a breath in the stillness of the night. "Why did you leave us like this?"

But the letter offered no answers, only silence that echoed hollowly in the depths of his soul.

With a heavy heart, Virat awoke from his nightmare, his body drenched in sweat as he struggled to catch his breath.

Beside him, Anushka stirred, her gentle touch a balm to his troubled mind.

She reached out to him, her eyes filled with concern as she tried to soothe the turmoil raging within him.

"Virat, what’s wrong?" she asked, her voice soft with sleep.

Virat shook his head, unable to find the words to express the storm of emotions churning inside him.

How could he explain the darkness that haunted his dreams, the pain that gnawed at his heart with every waking moment?

"It was… it was that night, Anushka," he finally managed to say, his voice thick with emotion. "The night Vaishnavi… left."

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