39] Complicated.

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Complicated

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Complicated.

Shubman sat with his manager discussing the pressing need for a lawyer to handle his legal affairs, tension hung thick in the air. His team's success hinged on finding the best legal representation, and his manager assured him they would spare no expense to secure the right candidate.

"I've already compiled a list of top-notch lawyers," his manager explained, his tone serious and determined. "We'll select the best one to ensure your interests are protected."

Unbeknownst to Shubman, Ishan had orchestrated a secret plan to reunite him with Vaidehi. Sneaking her name into the list of lawyers, Ishan knew that Vaidehi's skills as an advocate made her the perfect candidate. But revealing her identity prematurely could jeopardize their plan.

With a nod of approval from his manager, Vaidehi's name was chosen from the list, her expertise shining through as the ideal choice. "We'll contact the lawyer soon," his manager assured Shubman.

Shubman nodded, trusting his manager's judgment but unable to shake the feeling of anticipation tingling at the back of his mind. "I understand," he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity. "I'll wait for your call."

As the meeting concluded, Ishan couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of reuniting Shubman and Vaidehi. With their plan set in motion, all they could do now was wait for the perfect moment to reveal the truth.

"Hey, Shubman, everything alright?" Ishan's voice broke through the silence as he entered the room, concern etched across his face.

Shubman managed a faint smile, though his eyes betrayed the heaviness weighing on his heart. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, his voice devoid of its usual vitality.

Ishan didn't buy it for a second. He had known Shubman long enough to recognize the facade he often put up. "Come on, man, I can see right through you," Ishan persisted, pulling up a chair beside him. "Talk to me. What's really going on?"

Sighing, Shubman leaned back in his seat, the weight of his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "It's just...ever since the breakup with Vaidehi, I can't shake this feeling of emptiness," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I miss her, Ishan. I miss her so much."

Ishan nodded understandingly, his gaze softening with empathy. "I know, buddy. And it's okay to miss her," he reassured, placing a comforting hand on Shubman's shoulder. "But remember why things ended. You deserve someone who's willing to fight for your love just as much as you are."

Shubman nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of sadness and resignation. "Yeah, I know you're right," he conceded, a hint of determination flickering in his eyes. "I just wish it didn't hurt so much."

Ishan offered a reassuring smile, silently promising to stand by his friend through the storm. "It'll get easier with time, Shubman," he said gently. "But until then, lean on me whenever you need to. You're not alone in this."

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