19] Feels like...Love?!

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Chapter Nineteen: Feels like

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Chapter Nineteen:
Feels like...Love?!

Two months later:

Seated in the tranquil garden of the Kohli mansion, Vaidehi engaged in a conversation with Arhan, her boss, over the phone.

The familiar backdrop of lush greenery provided a comforting backdrop to their discussion, despite the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

"So, any updates on our next mission, Sir?" Vaidehi inquired, her tone laced with a hint of anticipation as she cleaned her gun with practiced precision.

Arhan's voice crackled through the line, the sound slightly distorted but nevertheless familiar. "I'm afraid not yet, Vaidehi," he responded, his words tinged with a note of regret. "It seems the wait continues for a bit longer."

Vaidehi sighed softly, the weight of the prolonged break settling on her shoulders. "Understood," she replied, her voice steady despite the underlying frustration. "I'll continue to remain vigilant and prepared for when the time comes."

As the conversation with Arhan drew to a close, Vaidehi returned her attention to her task at hand, her movements deliberate and focused.

Despite the lull in activity, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her duties, knowing that readiness was key in their line of work.

Engrossed in cleaning her gun, Vaidehi felt two pairs of hands cover her eyes. A smile tugged at her lips as she recognized the familiar touch.

"Virat bhai," she chuckled, her amusement evident in her voice.

Virat, with a playful pout, teased, "How do you always know it's me?" His tone was light, filled with the easy camaraderie that existed between them.

Vaidehi chuckled softly, setting aside her task to turn and face her brother. "Who else could it be?" she quipped, her eyes sparkling with warmth as she met Virat's gaze.

Virat grinned, his expression mirroring her affection. "Fair point," he conceded, pulling her into a brief but tight hug. "Just checking in on my little sister," he added, his voice softening with genuine care.

Vaidehi leaned into the embrace, grateful for the moment of connection amidst the uncertainties that surrounded them. "I'm okay, bhai," she reassured him, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "Just waiting for the next mission."

"Virat, Vaish, come for breakfast," Anushka's voice called out from the house, breaking the serene moment between the siblings.

Virat released Vaidehi from the hug, his smile lingering as he turned towards the direction of the house. "Ishan, Shreyas, and Shubman are also here," Anushka added.

Vaidehi nodded, her smile mirroring Virat's. "Let's go," she said, rising to her feet and tucking her gun away safely. "I could use some breakfast."

Virat chuckled, falling into step beside her as they made their way back to the house. "You're always hungry, aren't you?" he teased, earning a playful swat on the arm from Vaidehi.

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