22] First Day, In Ishq.

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Chapter Twenty Two:First Day, In Ishq

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Chapter Twenty Two:
First Day, In Ishq.

Vaidehi sat down for breakfast with her family, her mind was already occupied with the tasks awaiting her at work. Dressed smartly in her professional attire, she glanced at the clock, mindful of the impending deadlines.

"Morning, everyone," she greeted with a warm smile, pouring herself a cup of tea as she joined the table.

Virat looked at her with a knowing smile. "Busy day ahead, Vaidehi?" he asked, already aware of her dual roles as both an agent and an advocate for the BCCI.

Vaidehi nodded, her expression determined. "Yes, the test matches are approaching, and there's a lot of paperwork to handle," she replied, her tone focused yet composed.

Anushka placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Vaidehi, I know you will do it well," she assured, her gaze full of understanding.

Vaidehi nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of reassurance from her sister-in-law's words.

With a quick breakfast and a final glance at her family, she gathered her things and prepared to head out, ready to tackle the challenges that awaited her in both her professional roles.

As Vaidehi made her way to the office, her phone buzzed with a message from Shubman. Her heart skipped a beat as she read his words, her cheeks flushing at the memory of their confession the day before.

Shubman: Meet me first as soon as you reach.

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she quickly typed out a response.

Vaidehi: Okay, I'll wait outside the room near the dressing room.

With each step, her excitement grew, eager to see Shubman and continue the conversation they had started the day before. She couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to discuss now, and she was determined to find out as soon as she arrived at the designated meeting spot.

Vaidehi had just reached her cabin and was about to head out to meet Shubman when Rohit entered.

"Vaish, you're coming to see the match, right?" Rohit asked with a smile.

Vaidehi paused, feeling torn between her responsibilities as an advocate and her desire to see the match.

"Rohit bhai, I didn't ask Virat bhai," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I have a lot of work to do, but I'll try to make it if I can."

Rohit nodded understandingly, but there was a playful glint in his eyes. "Come on, Vaish. It's not every day we get to see our team play. I'm sure Vi won't mind if you take a little break to enjoy the match."

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