38] Mission Reconcile.

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Mission Reconcile

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Chapter Thirty Eight:
Mission Reconcile.

"Nush, can you beieve Vaish and Shub are dating?" Virat remarked to Anushka, his wife, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah, I had an inkling," Anushka replied casually, glancing up from her book. "But what's wrong? You don't sound too good."

Virat sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I messed up. I saw them making out," he admitted, the weight of his mistake evident in his tone.

Anushka set her book aside, her expression turning serious as she listened to Virat's confession. "You saw them making out?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise and concern.

Virat nodded, his jaw clenched with tension. "Yeah, I walked in on them," he admitted, his gaze clouded with regret. "And I said some things I shouldn't have. I told Vaish that I don't approve of their relationship."

Anushka's eyebrows furrowed in concern, her lips forming a thin line. "Virat, you know Shubman is a good guy," she reminded him gently, her voice laced with disapproval. "And Vaish is old enough to make her own decisions."

Virat sighed heavily, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. "I know, Nush," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "But I can't help being protective of her. She's my little sister, and I don't want to see her get hurt."

Anushka reached out and took Virat's hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "I understand, Virat," she said softly, her eyes filled with compassion. "But sometimes, we have to trust that our loved ones know what's best for them. And if Vaish believes that Shubman is the right guy for her, then we have to support her decision."

Virat nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for letting his emotions get the best of him. "You're right, Nush," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I just hope Vaish can forgive me for what I said."

Anushka gave his hand another reassuring squeeze. "She will, Virat," she said with conviction. "But you need to apologize and make things right with her."

With a nod of determination, Virat resolved to mend the rift he had caused with his sister.

Virat knocked softly on Vaidehi's door, his heart heavy with regret as he prepared to face his sister. When she opened the door, her tear-stained face confirmed his worst fears, and he felt a pang of guilt wash over him.

"Vaish," he began, his voice laced with remorse, "I'm so sorry for what I said earlier. I let my anger get the best of me, and I shouldn't have said those things. Please forgive me."

Vaidehi wiped her tears away, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "It's okay, Bhai," she replied softly, her voice choked with emotion. "I know you were just trying to protect me."

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