9] Exposed?!

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Chapter Nine: Exposed?!

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Chapter Nine: Exposed?!

Vaidehi, disguised as Kalyani, approached Virat's fake general store, she observed him engaged in casual banter with his customers.

Virat, portraying Vikram, leaned casually against the counter, his easy smile charming the customers as they haggled over prices.

"Come on, my friend, you know the quality of my goods," he said with a grin, his tone friendly yet persuasive.

The customers, a mix of locals and passersby, laughed and joked with Virat as they negotiated prices.

"You're too expensive, Vikram," one elderly woman teased, shaking her head in mock disapproval.

Virat chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, but my goods are worth every penny, I assure you," he replied smoothly, his confidence unwavering.

Meanwhile, Rohit, disguised as Rohan the mechanic, worked diligently in his adjacent shop, occasionally glancing over at Virat's store with a smirk. He could see Vaidehi approaching, carrying a basket of lunch.

As Vaidehi reached the entrance of Virat's store, she flashed him a subtle signal, indicating the hidden message within the lunch.

Virat, catching her eye, nodded imperceptibly, acknowledging her signal without arousing suspicion.

The casual bargaining continued as Vaidehi entered the store, seamlessly blending into the bustling atmosphere of the market.

With each passing moment, the intricacies of their covert operation unfolded, hidden beneath the facade of everyday interactions.

As the lunch break commenced, Virat and Rohit closed their shops and gathered inside Virat's store. Vaidehi, disguised as Kalyani, served them the lunch she had brought, ensuring that everything appeared normal to any onlookers.

Amidst the meal, Virat and Rohit engaged in conversation, carefully speaking in code language to discuss the details of their mission without arousing suspicion.

"So, how's business, Vikram?" Rohit asked casually, a subtle signal for Virat to begin the coded discussion.

Virat, catching on immediately, responded with a knowing smile. "Business is booming, Rohan, but we have to stay vigilant," he replied, his tone laced with hidden meaning.

As they delved deeper into their coded conversation, Vaidehi watched attentively, ready to provide any assistance they might need. Suddenly, Virat felt a burst of spice in his food, causing him to cough uncontrollably.

Vaidehi reacted swiftly, pouring a glass of water and rushing to Virat's side. "Are you alright, Vikram bhai?" she asked with concern, her actions discreet yet efficient.

"Here, drink this," she said, offering him the water and patting his back gently. "Eat carefully, don't rush," she advised, ensuring that their covert discussion remained undisturbed.

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