6] Abhinav.

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Chapter Six: Abhinav

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Chapter Six: Abhinav.

KL lingered outside Vaidehi’s office, his curiosity piqued as he overheard snippets of her conversation on the phone.

Despite his growing frustration with her, he couldn’t help but listen in, the remnants of his fondness for the girl he once knew as Vaishnavi Kohli still lingering in his heart.

"You should take care of yourself, Arhan," Vaidehi’s voice drifted through the slightly ajar door, her tone laced with genuine concern. "What will happen if we lose you?"

KL’s brow furrowed as he processed the unexpected exchange, his mind racing with questions.

Who was Arhan, and why was Vaidehi speaking to him with such familiarity?

The pieces of the puzzle eluded him, leaving him with a sense of unease.

Meanwhile, inside her office, Vaidehi continued her conversation, her voice soft yet determined as she spoke to her boss, Arhan.

As KL listened in, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension churned within him, his instinct urging him to dig deeper into the mystery that surrounded Vaidehi Sharma.

But for now, he remained outside her office, content to bide his time and await the opportune moment to uncover the truth.

"Can’t you talk a little sweeter?" Vaidehi’s voice echoed through the room, her words tinged with playful exasperation as she conversed with her boss, Arhan.

KL couldn’t help but chuckle softly to himself as he listened in, finding amusement in Vaidehi’s candid demeanor. "You too don’t talk sweet, Vaidehi," he murmured under his breath, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Arhan’s laughter rang out, a warm and familiar sound that hinted at the bond shared between him and Vaidehi. "You know me, Vaidehi. Sweetness isn’t my strong suit," he replied, his tone affectionate yet teasing.

"Fine sir, I will report to you as soon as I find Abhinav," Vaidehi replied to Arhan, her tone determined and resolute.

Arhan’s words resonated through the line, his trust in Vaidehi evident in his voice. "I trust you, Sharma. You are my best candidate," he affirmed.

KL watched from his vantage point outside Vaidehi’s office, observing her reaction with keen interest.

He couldn’t hear Arhan’s side of the conversation, but the smile that graced Vaidehi’s lips didn’t escape his notice.

"Why is she smiling? Is that guy her boyfriend or her crush?" KL mused quietly to himself, his curiosity piqued by the exchange.

Despite his earlier assumptions, he found himself questioning the dynamics of Vaidehi’s personal life, wondering if there was more to her story than met the eye.

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