Chapter 23~I Smell Jealousy

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I adjusted my wrinkled clothes a little, remembering Mr.Deino doesn't like anyone around him looking disheveled. I ran my hand through my blonde hair anxiously before Antonio barged into his office.

I was still deep in thought of why Antonio was at this company. How did he get to know Mrs.Deino? I wasn't allowed to enter her office while they were talking. I insisted on not to enter. I didn't want to see Mrs. Deino, I was still so embarrassed, plus my coming with another man would just prove the point of me being a gold digger. Even if I didn't know much about Antonio, not even his surname, my guts told me he was an elite, and closely related to Mrs. Deino.

I mean the way everyone greeted him, and the way he had free access to Mrs. Deino, plus the bodyguards, and now the fact he was right in front of my ex-boss office and he didn't even knock.

Wait, he didn't knock!
We promised to count down before entering!
I wasn't ready yet!

"Shhh, why didn't you knock? He doesn't like that." I scolded.

I was still arguing with Antonio and he decided he might change my name from Angelo to scady cat... he doesn't even know my real name. I was panicking, and regretting why I was standing in front of my former boss.

"You guys done?" Mr. Deino said with his chilled, yet authoritative voice that sent chills down my spine. I missed the effect his voice had on me.
"When you are, get out of my office." He said without even looking up.

I was shocked that Antonio wasn't moving and just stood there folding his hands. And I was again shocked that my legs weren't running out of the office, and then I remembered he had no power over me again. After all, I wasn't his employee anymore.

I took in the silence and scanned the whole room. His office has never been this scattered. Xavier had paper all over, from his desk, pouring down the the floor around him and even the couch and center table in his office. It looked like he was looking for something.

Was he always this busy?

My eyes shifted in his direction, he looked terribly... sexy. I was ashamed of myself for saying that, but I have never seen anyone stressed out look this sexy. His eye bags made him look a lot more intimidating. His black hair looked like he had run his hand through them over a thousand times. His suit jacket was hung far away from him, and that was new to me, he was always in a suit. His tie lay on the table and the first three buttons of his white shirt were undone, showcasing his tan skin.

I watched him like a hungry woman. And then my eyes found his lips. They still looked as delicious as they tasted...

"Snap out of it, Angelo." Antonio snapped his fingers on my face. I shook in shock.
"Done checking out your boss?" He joked out. Forgetting we weren't the only ones in the room.

My cheek turned red instantly and I couldn't help but slap Antonio on his chest." shut up!"
"No, you shut up!" He brushed me off and kept on laughing.
"You look so cute when you blush." He continued.

Xavier stood up and walked towards us.
"Can you both take your love fight out of my office." He raised his voice slightly. He looked angry now. But he can't get angry or show emotions?

He towered against me and as always I moved back in fear. He was staring into my eyes with so much hate and all I could do was stand there and not break the eye contact.

Antonio cleared his throat. And we moved away from each other awkwardly.
"That is no way to greet your senior." Xavier choked out, now glaring at Antonio. "I thought you were the better kid with manners, can't you knock? And can't you shut up?" That was a pretty long sentence for Xavier.

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