1.5: Detention Revelation

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Caledonia silently moved as she added an ingredient in the cauldron with practiced hands. Severus watched from behind and moved to her side without noise, and nodded to himself. After talking with his friends, Sirius and Remus, he decided to spend some time with her, getting to know her better.

What better than having her help him out with producing potions for the infirmary once a week? He needed extra hands, and she needed to get to know him more; it worked out in the end, and she had readily agreed. They began opening up to each other, bridging trust as she told him about her past as Harry Potter and things from her mind and heart while, in turn, he told her about how he met Lily and their time in Hogwarts and introducing to the Marauders. Memories swapped, and they learned of each other that they never knew about one another.

Severus found himself happier of late, being with Caledonia and treasuring the short times he had with her. It was like Lily had returned to him, rather much more of a part of her left behind for him.

"That's better," He murmured to her as she finished with the potion and began to bottle them.

"I guess you're not going to tell me which potion you will be testing us tomorrow?" She asked, lightly joking as she finished bottling the potions.

He gave a dry chuckle. "Even if you're my daughter, I'm not going to play favoritism." He took the bottles and placed them in a box. "I've been hearing from other teachers about your battles with Draco Malfoy in their classrooms and hallways. What is going on? I know you've been bickering enough time in the dorm and the great hall."

She rolled her eyes as she started to pack up the ingredients on the table. "Just bickering and fighting, nothing new, really."

"Something of Harry Potter you can't let go?" He asked.

"I don't know," She replied as she emptied the cauldron into the last bottle. "Hermione says it's chemistry between us. I say he riles me up the wrong way." She gave a shudder and grimace and handed the last bottle to him. "He's trying to hit on me since the beginning. Yuck."

Severus smirked. "He's a boy, and you are a girl to him, you should know that. But I must caution you, this bickering between two of you must cease. It will rouse some suspicions, and as Umbridge is taking control of the school, she will not hesitate to knock you out of school. The Ministry is using her to control Hogwarts and suppress the truth about the Dark Lord. I wouldn't put it past him for being the mastermind behind this."

"I knew it." She muttered as she cleaned the caldron. "Isn't Dumbledore going to do anything?"

"He tells the Order not to worry. But I am not quite so sure what he's up to half of the time. We need to trust him for now." Severus softly said as he placed the box onto another box, ready to be sent to the infirmary, and he turned to watch Caledonia clean up the last of the mess on the table.

They have taken up making potions in his private lab connected to his apartment. Not another single soul in the entire Hogwarts knew of the room; even the map didn't account for the room. Warded with several powerful spells and permanent soundproofing spells, and the room was the best place for the two of them to talk freely. Severus found it was best to tell her everything he knew, knowing her destiny lies in defeating Voldemort sometime soon.

He continued, "The Dark Lord is also using seventh and sixth years as his spies among the students. He has a plan for Draco Malfoy, and it includes Hogwarts, so Umbridge is going to use him as well."

Caledonia looked up as she finished the table and made the towel she was using vanish. "Malfoy? Makes senses." She muttered.

"I would advise you to keep your distance, and I do not wish for you to get involved with the Slytherin too much, most of them come from families of Death Eaters and all of the sixth and seventh years are already marked as Death Eaters, even the half-blooded ones. Tracey Davis is an exception and a good choice of friend for you now, but be careful."

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now