1.9: Snape's Daughter

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Severus watched as Madame Pomfrey attended to Caledonia in the hospital wing. He was worried for his daughter and at the same time, he wondered how Draco had come to find her in such a state. Something suspicious was going on between the two of them. In the past few weeks since detention, he had noticed the two of them was putting their heads together more often during study hours and Caledonia's request for lesser after class lessons. He understood she needs to have time to herself to relax and get focused on her regular studies. Also, he had received reports that she was nearly a frequent visitor to the hospital wing for a headache potion.

It had frustrated him to no end that he had been teaching her Occlumency and knew she was getting very good with it. However, he could not understand why she was always complaining of a headache and still getting nightmares. He knew she had been often kicked out of her room nightly and sleeping down in the common room. He has seriously considered in requesting the Headmaster a private room for her. But often, in the morning before anyone would wake up, he would check on her and find her gone from the common room.

He had also observed that Caledonia and Draco came to some pact since detention and became friendlier toward each other. With knowledge of Draco having a crush on his daughter, it weirded him out. He could see how Caledonia could be a redeeming choice for the boy he had guarded over for many years. He couldn't help but feel like an overbearing, protective father and find Draco's intention toward his daughter unnerving.

It was this morning when he came in to check to see if his daughter was still sleeping in the common room and found Draco rushing past him in the common room with Caledonia passed out in his arm, hurriedly taking her to the Hospital wing. It was then when it registered to his mind that there was something wrong with his daughter after seeing blood splotches on the floor that he turned and caught up with the young teenager holding his daughter. They made to the hospital wing with no time to lose and handed her to the mediwitch's care and stood by, biting their nails to the bone with worry if Caledonia would not wake again.

Finally, Madame Pomfrey came to them, "She's stable. She pretty much passed out by the pain. Her headache had been increasingly getting worse in the past few days and morphed into migraines, but I found through examination that she had erected a powerful barrier around her mind and now she is in a temporary coma to allow her body, especially, her head to heal from a powerful dark magic attack."

Severus' eyes went wide, "Dark magic, what are you saying?"

Albus Dumbledore had chosen the time to appear and solemnly said, "I believe the boy will be better to explain what's going on."

Everyone turned to Draco who paled and started to sputter. Severus snapped, "Get on with it, what's happening to my daughter there? We will get to the point of how you knew later!"

Draco nodded vigorously and realized; he would get in trouble no matter what yet still omitted some information. "She told me that Voldemort had been trying to find Harry Potter in the last couple weeks, using the links between them to find him. Voldemort is angry because he learned that Harry Potter disappeared and wanted to find him. That's all I know that has to do with her condition now."

Severus narrowed his eyes, suspecting something was left out but decided to leave it as it is. "Thank you." He then turned to Dumbledore. "He has not called me yet-" He then winced and grabbed his arm, "Speak of the devil," he spat.

"Go. Find out what he wants. We need to remedy this situation." Albus said as he watched Severus fly out of the hospital wing and then turn to Draco, "I appreciate your support with Caledonia; she needs you more than you think."

Draco nodded and went to the bedside where she laid and sat down, taking her hand in his. "I care about her." He looked up to the old wizard. "It's not fair that she has to live this life."

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now