Deleted Scenes Part 3

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Voldemort's Intention with Caledonia

Voldemort stood waiting in the foyer where the others would arrive soon. His plan had hitched and he was pleased to see that the cabinet had worked several hours ago. He could feel it in his blood that the great Headmaster Dumbledore had fallen.

The noises of apparitions popped and he looked up from his musing to see Bellatrix smiling like a wild panther. The others begin to pop in as she slithered up to him, her hands creeping up his arm in familiar ways. "The boy failed... Sevvy dearest had to do it." She whispered and crackled, "but Dumby is dead." She moved back and watched gleefully as Voldemort turned to face the apparition spot in the foyer with wand out.

Severus appeared and his black eyes met the Dark Lord. It was instant and Voldemort saw it in his mind, his memory that indeed he was the one who killed Albus Dumbledore. As fast as Voldemort was in his mind, he withdrew, bowed, stepped away, and waited in the shadow across the room.

Draco and Caledonia appeared and Voldemort snarled, ripping the couple apart, throwing the pale shaken girl across the floor and shot painful and deadly spell upon the boy. The boy had failed him in every sense and was useless. He held the spell, relishing in the scream of pain that rented from the boy's throat. He saw in the boy's mind that it was finite, that his family was done for and wishing for swift death.

"You've failed," Voldemort said as he finished the Cruciatus curse. He raised, ready to kill the boy off but something caught his attention as a metal glinted. He lowered his wand as his eyes fell to the boy's hand, on his left hand was a ring on the fourth finger. His eyes snapped to the girl cowering against the wall, pale and shaken, her eyes glassy. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the similar ring on her left hand. They matched... wedding bands.

"You and her?" He asked and he saw Draco nod, just barely. So they had married. He let out a deep laugh, "You married her... I should've seen it coming." He had known of the plan that the two would marry in few weeks but they had already done so earlier than expected. He turned to Severus and gave a huff, "This changes things."

"My Lord?" Severus bowed his head, "how would that be?"

Voldemort turned his head toward the girl and frowned, seeing that she was still huddled in the corner like a demented patient in the asylum. "What's wrong with her?" She appeared almost lifeless, like a doll.

Draco stammered, "She was stunned before I was able to apparate here." He turned his head away.

Voldemort didn't care and wanted to have some time alone to rethink his plan for Caledonia. "Very well." He turned to the other Death Eaters, "At least the job's done as I wanted. Take her away and see to her." Draco stood shakily, gathered Caledonia, and moved to leave the room. "Severus... Caledonia may have saved Malfoy family from their failure, but she has her uses with them."

He strode past the dark wizard and left the foyer, going deep into the manor to his favored room and closed the door behind him. He went to the wingback chair and sat down, rubbing his forehead as his great snake coiled up around the back of the chair to settle its head on his shoulder.

"Nagini... this changes things."

"How so, mi'lord?" The snake hissed.

Voldemort reached up and caressed the snake's head. "I once long time ago wanted a heir. But I couldn't do so with my mistress..."

The snake closed its eyes in pleasure under Voldemort's ministration. "Bellatrix has more uses to you."

"Yes... But she could not give me a child. I am infertile. But when I saw Caledonia for the first time that night in the Ministry of Magic Atrium..." Voldemort said as he stared in the fire before the chair, his mind recalling the memory. "I was astounded to see a child of Severus Snape. Even then, I knew she was his daughter when he lied to me. I know he lied to protect her. She is powerful, strong and pure. I wanted her to be the one to be my heir. She has every making in her to be the most powerful Dark Lord, or so, Lady."

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