3.14: Untitled Part 35

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It was dark and quiet, not like the whole bright dream he had. It was more warm, comfortable and dark, just like in the morning when you were about to wake up but still sleeping. Like the space in between the end of dreams and waking to the reality.

Still in midst of the void in between the two worlds, one wondered if it was death or just on brink of waking. Then the noises came, soft at first then clearer and clearer as it became louder above.

"Harry will be all right." A matronly woman replied with exasperation. "Quit asking or I'll have you kicked out of the wing, I have enough to do as it is."

"Are you sure? He fainted, that's not normal, isn't it?" Another familiar voice asked, with deep concern like a favorite uncle.

The matron woman replied, "I wouldn't be surprised! Sheer exhaustion, the battle, not eating properly for, Merlin know how long! Being hit with various curses!"

Third voice joined in, snarky, dark and with bite, "Mutt, if Pomfrey says he's fine, he's fine. Now, go!"

"Why you!"

Fourth voice, tired and annoyed but with underlying of superiority snapped, "Shut up both of you! I've enough of your sniping for thirty years."

"Oh for Merlin's sake, all of you go! You can come back when he's all recovered." Madame Pomfrey snapped.

The green eyes opened slowly and the bright light was painful at first but became softer and he looked over to see Draco, tired but clean sitting beside him, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. Draco was holding his hand and he gently withdrew his hand and stared, realizing they weren't feminine as they should be.

He turned his head and saw his father looking down at him, dark and brooding as usual. However there was a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Father."

"I am sure you have many questions." Severus replied. Harry nodded and he continued, "You fainted, by sheer exhaustion and it only been two hours. Draco told me you took two vials of the potions last night, is that right?" Harry nodded. "Then, you should be changing back soon. I'm not too worried. I did a diagnostic test on my own and it's beginning to break down in your system."

"Father..." Harry begin and he felt Draco begin to wake, shifting in his chair and turned over to see Draco smiling as he stretched. "Draco."

"Hey there... you all right?" The pale haired man smiled gently.

Harry stared, realizing for the first time how much older he appeared. He had always seen Draco as rakish youth with mischievousness undertone, however, that was gone and the eyes now held things that no youth should've known and with edge of wisdom, love and gentleness in his eyes. "I guess," he replied.

Madame Pomfrey stood there akimbo, staring down at three men still loitering around Harry's bed. "Didn't I tell you all to go?"

Sirius patted Harry's feet, "You rest and get better. We have much to celebrate!"

Harry gave a soft chuckle as he watched Lucius give him a wink and push Sirius toward the door, "I'll tell Narcissa you're all right."


Severus gave a small sigh, "I'm glad you're all right."

He looked to his father and nodded, "It's over."

"I know." Severus bowed his head. "And there's much more to live for now. I'll see you at the manor for dinner?"

Harry nodded and watched as his father strode out of the room, seemingly as if he never was at the death's door.

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