3.9: Untitled Part 30

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Draco walked up the hill and paused, seeing his wife kneeling before the freshly dug grave. They had just arrived to the Shell Cottage the evening before and he remembered the only words that she had said to him since was that she wanted to dig a grave properly, without magic. That, she did, and worked hard through the night and buried the elf and everyone had gathered when dawn broke, giving a silent funeral for the small elf that used to be his.

He stared at her, she looked worse to wear, her clothes damp, dirty and her fingernails black from the sand and dirt and there were streaks of blood on her face from the fight or whatever, he had no idea. Her hair was wild, matted and he could guess oily from not being able to have a proper wash in days. Nonetheless, she looked beautiful to him. His heart ached as he watched her fiddle with the wand in her hand, staring at the handmade headstone.

Regret clenched his heart as he recalled how he had left her back in Hogwarts, calling it quit. He had understood what she had meant when she said she didn't want any of this, but in anger, he had misinterpreted it. He had spent couple of weeks at the Malfoy Manor, wallowing in anger and depression. He didn't tell his parents why or what had happen and they left him be.

He was more than surprised to see Bellatrix to hold a wand to her throat yesterday, nearly exposing her for who she was. He was angrier at his Aunt at that moment when he was forced to lie for Caledonia. His heart had soared to see her, to see that she was alive and feisty, and obviously out searching for the horcruxes. However, at the same time, he saw that she looked sickly and was concerned.

In amidst of chaos at the Malfoy Manor, he wanted to tell he that he was sorry, that he loved her but couldn't. At the moment when she had slipped out of his arms to grasp Dobby hand, he panicked and held onto her, going where she would go, not caring anymore if they were exposed as traitor. He didn't want to be apart from her ever again. He had spent the entire night, watching Caledonia dig the grave from the window of the Shell Cottage, expecting the call from the Dark Lord. When dawn broke, he knew then, that they were somewhat home free but still, in the back of his head, the Dark Lord will call them soon.

He moved to kneel beside Caledonia, reaching out and taking her hands into his. She didn't cringe or fight back, but allowed her hands to be enveloped by his warm and larger hands. She stared at their hands, tears finally swimming in her eyes. She had not shed a tear the entire time since and upon seeing his clean, immaculate hands holding her dirty, caked, cracked hands, yet the two matching wedding bands shone that the tears finally came. Big fat drops dropped, splashing upon their hands, he shifted, moving to pull her to his chest, and she turned, curling into his shirt, crying as he held her, rubbing her back and soothing her.

They sat like this for an hour before she calmed down and looked up. He gave her a small sad smile, his hand reaching up to caress her dirty streaked cheeks and then brushed her hair from her face. He finally spoke, softly, "I love you."

More tears came from her eyes and she shook with renewed crying fits. He held her until she was able to calm down once again, whispering soothing words into her ears, "It'll be okay, love. Let it out... I'm here for you. I won't leave you again," over and over again.

The sun was high in the sky when he stood up, pulling her to her feet. "Come on, as beautiful you are to me, you need some washing."

She gave a shaky laugh and let herself led to the Shell Cottage. She blindly stumbled over the stones and bumps on the way and allowed Draco guide her gently. She felt safe and secure in his arms and the whole world blocked out from around her. Her scar was tingling with pain. In the back of her head, she knew Voldemort was angry beyond reasons and partly, there were vision where he had punished those and killed some in the Manor. She knew, her parents-in-law were at least okay, which was all it mattered to her.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang