1.8: Draco

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The return to school from the holiday was eventful. The postponed Quidditch match was on the first weekend of the new term, and it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin match. The weather was crisp and cold, but fortunately, bright and sunny. The stadium covered with a foot of snow, yet the professors worked together to clear off the snow off the benches and cast a warming charm all around for the match.

"Professor Snape, what are we going to do? Draco can't play, and the reserve player is out sick. We're playing against Gryffindor, and this Ginny Weasley who had replaced Harry Potter is a fair player." The Captain said as the Slytherin team stood around in their respective locker room underneath the Slytherin tower at the pitch.

Severus looked around the team, taking in who was present. Draco came in behind him, holding his arm in a sling. He turned and narrowed his eyes at him, knowing he would do anything to come up with an excuse.

Draco held up a good hand in defense. "Honestly, Professor Snape! It's those damn moving staircases. One of them caught me by surprise this morning. I swear!" The teenage gestured to his arm in annoyance. "I bet the Gryffindor had something to do with the staircases!"

"Yes," Severus drawled slowly and dangerously as he thought of a choice, "we need a seeker."

"How about Caledonia?" Draco suggested. "She's bound to be a good player? Runs in the family?" He finished a bit frantically as he realized Severus was eyeballing him with a suspicious look.

"Go and find her. She will be up in the stand." Severus told another student while keeping his eyes on Draco. He was going to talk to the boy soon. He then told Draco, "She has no uniform and broom."

"I'll lend her mine," Draco said as he went over to his locker and pulled out his uniforms and handed them to Severus and took his broom that he had brought with him and handed it over. The Potion Master concealed his surprise and suspicions. His godson was not one to share his things yet, he freely offered his most prized possession for his daughter.

Caledonia came into the room and looked around, blushing as she found herself in the presence of boys and Severus. "Uh, what's going on?" She asked. She saw Draco and his injured arm and went up to him immediately to the surprise of her father and started to prod at his arm. "What happened? You can't play like that."

Draco's cheeks pinked by her attention to his injured arm. "Uh, fell down the stairs. Yeah, I can't play. You're gonna have to take my place."

Severus stepped up and handed the uniform and broom to Caledonia. "Put these on and get out on the field and win the game for us."

She turned to him and took the uniform. "You want me to play against Gryffindor?" The question had several layers of meaning, and only Severus and Draco caught them. She saw their looks of insistence and sighed, "All right. It's going to be interesting." She muttered and walked off to the stall for privacy and started to change.

Severus turned and roared at the other players, "Get out of here, and wait for us!" He turned to Draco and snapped, "Stay." The other players scrambled out of the locker room, and Draco found himself nearly wetting his pants under the intense gaze of Professor Snape's gaze.

"Uh, Professor Snape- I really did want to play today," He said quietly, fiddling with the sling around his arm.

Caledonia came out, fully dressed in Draco's Quidditch uniform and holding his broom. Her hair had been swept back in a high ponytail, and she looked outstanding in green. "It's a bit large," She pulled at the hem of the shirt to show the largeness.

Severus said in a low voice, "You and I are going to talk," to Draco and turned to Caledonia, waving his wand and the uniform shrank a bit, fitting her form. He turned around and left the locker room with a dramatic effect.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now