3.4: Untitled Part 25

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Sirius and Remus had long left the house, leaving the four of them to remain and wait. It became a long two weeks that the four of them spent in each other's company. Some days, Caledonia and Draco locked themselves up in their room the entire day, not wanting any other companies but each other. It gave Ron and Hermione time alone together. Most days, Caledonia and Hermione were found pouring over some books. To their utter surprises, Caledonia admit that she liked to read and often try to read as much she can but does not as much Hermione does. Draco and Ron would sit off to the side of the girls, playing wizard chess. Ron learned that the Slytherin prince was very good at chess and gave him a run for his money.

One day near the end of the week, she felt her necklace warm up considerably and pulsates. She gasped, standing up from the couch where she had been sitting, reading a book. Everyone turned to her, she stared wide-eyed at Draco, saying only one thing, and everyone understood, "It's time."

Draco didn't waste any time, standing up and swishing his wand over both of them, changing their comfortable muggle clothes into something of fine threads, a style of Purebloods. He wore his dark suits and she gowned in beautiful velvet and lace gown of gray, black and emerald.

Ron shuddered and mumbled, "Good luck. Wouldn't want to be you."

Caledonia gave a half-hearted glare and a smile and they all made their way to the front of the foyer. She grasped onto Draco's arm, giving her friends a silent look, asking them to pray for them. Hermione nodded, wringing her hands together and biting her lips. Draco gave a head nod and a quick flick of his wand; they vanished in dark emerald smoke.

She sighed as she felt her feet land on solid ground and looked up to the manor before them. She shuddered at the impending coldness that wasn't from the air and wrapped the lacy shawl tighter around her. He straightened himself and held his arm for her to take. They walked heads high and proud as they passed the gate and entered the manor. The place seemed colder and darker than before.

They met with her father, standing before the door to the main study. He looked them both over, gave an approving look, and tested Caledonia's mind, finding only thoughts worthy of Salazar Slytherin and false memories of Caledonia's childhood. He bowed his head, opened the door, and slipped in, with a gesture to follow.

"My Lord," Severus started, bowing low. "They're here as you requested."

Lord Voldemort's hissy voice replied from a chair that faced away from them. "That was quick, Severus. Thank you."

"As you please," Severus replied and moved back to stand in the corner, hidden in the shadow as he had always done, watching.

Lord Voldemort stood up and faced the young couple, his ruby eyes was hard as he checked the two over. "You both disappeared three weeks ago without words." His voice had bite in them.

Draco bowed and Caledonia followed suit. He softly replied, "I wasn't aware that we were to remain in the Malfoy Manor. We're both, after all, of age and married, free to do what we wished. Isn't that so?"

Voldemort glared at Draco, holding his wand and Draco braced himself for the familiar painful punishment for his cheeks. However, he lowered his wand and chuckled a bit. "I see. You are indeed right. But surely, isn't this your home?" He waved his hand to gesture to the entire place around them.

"My parent's home," Draco dared to correct. "Caledonia and I are staying at her place for the time being, until we found a different place to live. We have desired to spend some time alone and we haven't since the beginning of the summer."

"Young love." Voldemort sneered. "Now, your loyalties are what I'm questioning, young Draco and Caledonia." He stared at the two of them, probing their minds.

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