3.10: Untitled Part 31

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They flew over London, exhausted but thrilled that they managed to escape from Gringotts, albeit unscathed. The dragon kept beating its massive wings, blindly flying wherever it could be free. They noticed that they were heading somewhere north over the highland.

"Now what?" Ron asked, his arms getting tired holding onto the dragon's back.

"We're dropping." Caledonia replied as she noted the dragon was beginning to dip lower toward a large lake in the valley.

"Suppose we jump?" Draco asked, peering over Caledonia's shoulder where they were clutched on the back of the dragon.

"When?" Hermione asked, wanting to get off but knowing the dragon wouldn't just land. "I don't think the dragon will land."

"It's not going to." Draco replied.

Caledonia let go of the spinal horns of the dragon and shouted, "Now!" as she pushed herself off, freefalling toward the water below. The other followed suit and they all shot deep into the water and kicking against the gravity pulling them to the depth, striving for the surface.

Caledonia gasped, flashes and emotions shot through her that wasn't her own. She saw through Voldemort's eyes, felt his rage as he screamed the curses, killing left and right at the Gringotts bank. It came and went like flashes and she was frozen, unable to snap out of it.

Draco surfaced and saw Hermione and Ron surfacing as well. "Where's Caledonia?" He asked worriedly. "She was the first to jump."

"She didn't come up?" Ron asked.

Hermione gasped. "No..."

Draco paled and ducked under the water and saw Caledonia floating toward the bottom of the lake, slowly disappearing into the darkness. He could see how still she was, as if she had been stupefied. He kicked and swam toward her. When he was able to grab her arms, he saw her face, her ebony hair billowing like liquid ink and her eyes were clouded jade. He knew she was having a vision at the inopportune time. He then turned, strained for the surface and dragged her along.

"He's been down under there a long time." Hermione chewed her lips worriedly as she knelt on the shore, watching the surface of the lake where Draco had disappeared.

"Think Caledonia got hurt jumping down there?"

"I don't think so. If she did, we would've too." Hermione theorized. She gave a yelp as Draco shot up and ran into the water, helping him to drag Caledonia to the shore. "What happened?" She asked, noticing that Caledonia wasn't responding.

"My good guess... You-Know-Who."

The Dark Lord roared as he swished his wand around wildly, killing everyone in his path as he strode through the destroyed hall of Gringotts. Wizards and goblins alike fell to the floor lifelessly as their blood mingled, staining the once pristine marble floor among the debris.

Lucius and Narcissa, having the most unfortunate luck, had been whisked away with Lord Voldemort to investigate Gringotts and found the aftermath and watched on in horror as Voldemort blew his top off. They stood in the entrance, cowering, unsure of their own fate.

The Dark Lord stopped, breathing heavily as he gazed around, there were none left alive and he walked slowly, investigating the bloodbath and the destruction, seeking what he wanted to find. He snarled as he peered down in the hole that the dragon had once made seeing the far below of the vault below Gringotts. Hissing, he turned and walked though the fallen bodies, softly speaking to his snake.

"The boy has discovered our secret, Nagini."

"My lord, I do not taste the boy in the air." The snake replied.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now