2.4: Untitled Part 14

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"Draco." Caledonia walked up to the said boy and stopped in front of him. She glanced around and noted they were alone in the hallway for the time being. Their class had let out a bit early, and they had time to talk before the whole hall would be filled with students.

He turned to her, and his eyes went soft upon seeing her. Since they had reunited the night before, they agree not to let the whole 'bloody' castle know of their relationship status just yet due to few reasons; it would combust into renewed gossip vigor, egg Pansy on and more. They wanted some peace for a while, and enjoy the thrills of sneaking around.

"We need to talk," She started and began to fidget, "about the Dark Lord's plan for you... he said I am to help you."

He bit his lips and glanced around. "Uh, Cally now is not the time."

She interrupted, "I know! I mean, we need to find the time soon."

"Right." He rubbed his head, casting his pale blond hair into his face, shadowing his eyes as he looked down to her. They were standing so close that their breaths mingled and he reached to trace her arm, wanting to have them wrapped around him once more. She leaned herself against him slightly, her books that she carried only kept them apart. "Soon... the things he wants me to do are something that you don't want to hear... at least one of them."

"He gave you more than one mission?"

"Yeah... two." His head snapped up as they heard voices starting to carry in the hallway and stepped away from her. "I'll send Persephone later."

"All right." She replied softly and watched as he walked away and then turned a corner, disappearing out of her sight and she went searching for Tracey to meet up and wait to attend the next class.

Soon after she had found Tracey, she then found Ron sitting on the ledge with Dean and Seamus, grinning and laughing among themselves, looking down to the crowd of teenagers and kids going to and fro their classes. She paused under them and tugged Ron's pants. "What are you doing up there?"

"Blimey!" Ron started and glared down at her. "Don't go Hermione on me!"

"Well, it'd do you good to get down and get about to class!" Hermione appeared at Caledonia's side. Ron scowled and saw the black haired girl grin.

"Well, I got free period anyway!"

"Ronald Weasley!" They all turned to see Professor McGonagall glaring at him and beckoning him with her finger.

"Oh bloody hell..." Ron muttered and leaped down from the ledge. He gave Caledonia a dirty look.

"I didn't say anything." Caledonia giggled. Hermione and Tracey stifled their laughs behind her. They watched as Ron sulked toward the Gryffindor Head of House and walked away, heading to their next class, Potion.

"Sure is strange to go to Potion and not have Professor Snape teach the class," Tracey noted as she held the door for the others to enter.

"Yeah," Hermione agreed as they entered and found their places in the center of the room, waiting.

Caledonia noted few cauldrons in front of the class, all of them on fire and steaming, cooking different potions. The portly potion professor beamed at them and made his way to Caledonia's desk, "I've been told I got a Snape protégé here... my, my. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you finally." She watched him warily as he turned around and stood in front of the cauldrons. "Welcome to Potion! I am Professor Horace Slughorn." He looked around. "Everybody got their books?"

Caledonia reached for her satchel and searched around for her book and frowned, wondering where her potion book would be and then realized she had forgotten to buy a few books in Diagon Alley when she went after Draco. She swallowed and looked up to see Professor Slughorn looking at her with a hint of concern. "Uh, I think I forgot to buy my book." She admitted self-consciously. Behind her, she heard Hermione mutter under her breath, "Typical of you, Harry." And she had to grin at that.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now