3.13: Untitled Part 34

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Lucius stared, astounded as Harry emerged from the forest. He felt as if the whole world would stop and end right there. It all happened too fast as well too slow. He heard the wretched lord hiss the boy's name, announcing the death. He stared with horror as his wife gripped his hand too tightly, nearly breaking his bones in his hands, but he didn't notice.

Harry face had been sad, somber at the most. As the green light streaked, Lucius wanted to scream, to shout, to tell his daughter-in-law disguised as the boy-who-lived to defend herself. Nevertheless, he couldn't, he was frozen and he watched as Harry stood there, allowing the beam of deathly spell hit him in the chest, throwing him to the ground.

Narcissa gasped and buried her head into his chest and he finally snapped out of the horror and realized the dark Lord had also been thrown to the ground as well as if he was hit with a spell. He wondered for briefly if he had missed something from Harry but realized as he glanced back to the boy, lying on the ground some distance away, motionless. Dead.

He swallowed a huge intake of air, shock filling him and he glanced to Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix was already at his side, simpering and fussing.

"My lord?" Bellatrix's high voice was nearly as annoying as the nail on the chalkboard. "My lord, are you hurt? My Lord?"

Voldemort scowled as he shook the pain off and sat up. He snarled, "I don't need your help." He scrambled to his feet and glanced at his wand, snarling inwardly as he noticed the wand had more crack on it.

Narcissa bit back the tears that were fighting to fill her eyes. She glanced to the wretched leader of the Dark Eaters and walked forward, daring to let go of her husband's grip. She had to know, to know if her daughter was dead or not. She can't believe her eyes what had happened in the last few seconds. It was as if the whole world would end and that was it.

Swallowing hard as she strode forward with her head held high as she was trained. She paused as she reached Harry, looking down at his dirt streaked face, she could see dried blood, mud, dirt, grimes caking his skin and clothes, his emerald green eyes, seeming dead to the world staring wide open, yet there was some sparks in them. She knelt beside Harry and leaned down, hoping against hope that Harry would twice lived the killing curse.

A soft breath hit her ears and she closed her eyes as joy filled her and she whispered softly as she could, "Draco? Is he alive too?"

Harry blinked once and softly nodded his head once. He saw Narcissa smile at him, reached to close his eyes, and stood up. She turned to the crowd and faced the Dark Lord, schooling her expression. "Dead."

Hagrid looked defeated to the side, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks, disappearing into his beard. Lord Voldemort laughed and gestured to the Death Eaters that were holding the half-giants and said, "Hagrid, my dear old school friend, pick up the boy. We're going to school."

Hagrid glared at Lord Voldemort and went to pick up Harry. He sobbed as the Death Eaters held onto his chains as they all flocked toward the school.

Narcissa joined her husband and gripped his hands. Lucius turned to his wife and looked at her eyes, seeing shines in them and frowned. She gave a tiny smile and shook her head, schooling her face once more and griped her husband's hand again. She replied softly as she dared, "Draco and Caledonia are fine."

Lucius was at loss as he looked to Harry in Hagrid's arms, seemingly dead to the world. "What..." then he felt Narcissa tightening her hand on his hand once again and fell silent.

It was silent in the hall of Hogwarts; there were faint noises of weeping, sobbing, low talking and resentments floating around in the Great Hall. However, the hallway was silent, dead as sacred tomb.

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