1.7: Dreams, or rather, Nightmares

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"Arrgggh!" Caledonia woke up screaming and shot up in her bed. She found herself shaking and sweating.

"Jeez, ever heard of silencing charms?" Pansy shot from her bed and drew her curtain shut and muttering curses under her breath.

Caledonia rubbed her face and grabbed her robe and wand and left the dorm. She walked down the hallway, intended to see Dumbledore about her dreams. She had been having nightmares, and even the silencing charm did not help. Every time she put them up, she would wake up to find the charm gone as if her magic had flared during her dream, breaking through them.

She arrived at the Gargoyle and asked if she could see Dumbledore. But there was no answer, she frowned and started to rattle off different sort of candies.

"Caledonia, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Severus asked as he found her thirty minutes later, still trying to come up with different sort of candy names.

Exhaling a soft sigh, she turned to him, "Dad. I had a bad dream- it was - uh," she reached up and rubbed the scar on her forehead.

Seeing this action, he immediately reached to brush her hair aside to find her scar reddish and inflamed. "Oh, hell." He muttered. "What did you dream about?" He asked, holding her shoulders and went into her mind. He saw everything as she recalled the dream. As he came out, she was shaking.

"Snake- Mr. Weasley bit-" She murmured her eyes growing wide as she became clammy and her knees becoming weak.

He took hold of her arm and muttered the candy password to the Gargoyle, and they both made their way up to the Headmaster's office. "Dumbledore!" Severus called as they entered.

Dumbledore came through the door to the side. "Yes?" Then Severus went on explaining what happens and the dream. "Oh my," He went to the floo and started to make calls to Aurors. Not fifteen minutes later, Shacklebolt's head came through the fire informing that they did indeed find Mr. Weasley bitten by the snake and taken to St. Mungo.

"I think it is best you see her to bed and do give her sleeping-draught," Dumbledore said as he turned back to them. "It is a good thing we found Mr. Weasley just in time. Thank you, Caledonia; you just had saved his life."

She nodded, feeling somewhat shaken up and allowed her father to lead her out of the office and back to the dungeon. She stopped as they reached the portrait. "Wait, I don't want to go back to my room. Pansy and the others-" She left it unsaid.

"I see," Severus said and steered her around to his office, and they entered. He waved his wand, and the couch in his den expanded big enough for her to lie on comfortably, and a pillow and blanket appeared. "Lie down; I'll get you a light draught so you can sleep."

She climbed onto the couch, and he came back with a goblet. She took it and drank it up. "Thank you, dad."

He took the empty goblet and placed it down. He then sat on the couch beside her, pulling the blanket up to tuck her in. "How often you have the nightmares, are they the same?"

She shook her head, "Not the same, some nights, they're normal nightmares, you know, memories from the past, Dursleys, my parents dying, uh, I mean, James and Mom. Sometime, some night, it's about Voldemort and some about what he's doing in his Reveals."

Snape buried his face in his hand, horrified to realize she had been witnessing things he never wanted her to see. "Reveals... don't tell me you've seen them."

"Yes. Death Eaters were torturing muggles and some wizards. I sometimes feel the Cruciatus curse that he cast upon some of them; it's horrible and painful."

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now