Deleted Scenes Part 1

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Showering as a Girl for First Time

"Here you go." Madame Pomfrey gestured to the small bathroom at the back of her office. "Help yourself to the shampoo and soaps. The towels are on the shelf." She told the girl and patted her shoulder kindly. She could see the scared look on Caledonia's face and thought to give a gentle encouragement, "You can't delay the inevitable. Might as well get comfortable with your new body, after all, you're going to be living this way for the rest of your life."

Caledonia sighed and nodded nervously. The mediwitch has left and she stepped into the bathroom, finding it similar to the Dursley's family bathroom. It was slightly larger complete with sink, tub and shower in one and a toilet. True to the woman's words, the towels are indeed on the shelf above the toilet. The whole room was painted in soft color of yellow and blue, bright sunlight streaming in the window next to the shower.

She glanced around and shrugged, peeling the hospital wing gown off her body and swallowed hard. The full-length mirror was next to the sink and she closed her eyes, stepping up to the mirror. Biting her lower lips, she opened her eyes and stared. The girl in the mirror was beautiful, scared and her eyes were wide.

Gasping softly at the completely new person before her, she tilted her head to take in the body figure she had. She was indeed tall at 5 foot five with long ebony hair that shone slightly reddish under the light and she turned her shoulders sideway to see how far down her hair went. It brushed above her buttock and fell in gentle wave. She turned back and ran her hands over her lean arms and down her chest to the small swell of her breasts. It was strange sensation to feel her own breasts.

Not wanting to linger, she ran her hands down to her waist, her flat abdomen had hint of six packs, and she supposed was from all the quidditch she had done before. Her waist flared out to curved hips and she swallowed hard as her eyes landed on her apex of her thighs. No longer had the familiar dangling male part hanged there but a triangular patch of black hair. Her hands shook as she allowed it to fall to her side.

She had to admit she turned into a beautiful young woman and turned her head away, shaking her head. She moved to the toilet and found the urging need to relieve herself. She gaped and stared at the toilet. "Oh crap." She muttered. "How am I supposed to do this?"

Lifting the toilet seat up, she stared at it, wondering how the women relieve themselves. She knew from jokes and conversations that they do not stand up. She rubbed her forehead and stepped up and sat down, straddling the toilet and muttered to herself, "This can't be right." She stood up again, sat down sideway, and shook her head. "How do they do it?"

Biting her lips as she felt the burning sensation of the need to relieve, she stood there, pondering. She didn't want to call the mediwitch back and sighed. "I suppose I'll sit like I did when I poop." She sat down and realized it seemed about right and sighed as she felt her bladder let go and bowed her head down and watched in fascination. "So that's how they do it."

When her bladder was empty, she glanced around, found the toilet papers, took a handful of them, and wondered. "How do I do this?" She asked herself and looked down in between her legs. "I suppose I gotta wipe." She sat back up and squeezed her eyes as she reached down and wiped herself. "Oh that was just weird."

She stood and flushed the toilet and stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The water came down in comfortable hot streams and she sighed, appreciative to feel the warmth all over her skin. It was a relief after the night before and her muscles relaxed. She reached out of the shower and grabbed the wash cloth off the shelf and glanced at the various bottle of soaps lined on the tiny ledge in the shower.

"Huh? Scented soaps... I suppose it wouldn't hurt." She grabbed the bottle and started to sniff each one until she found one she liked lilac and vanilla. Soon, she had scrubbed her body down and moved on washing her hair with shampoo of the same scent.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now