3.3: Untitled Part 24

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It was a quiet commotion when Caledonia woke up and went downstairs, and everyone but Ron, Hermione, and Molly pointed wands at her. After a while trying to explain that with Hermione's help that she was Caledonia, and it was best for her to look like she was while she remained at the Burrow. The rest hesitantly lowered their wands the, and when she gave them some information that she would only know, they all relaxed, relieved that she was truly Caledonia.

It wasn't long that they quickly came up with a story that Caledonia was one of the Weasley's distant cousin that had come for the wedding, and Draco was her fiancée from Australia. The house was bustling with so many things going on despite the somber mood that settled upon them. The wedding planning went off with a hitch, tents raised, decoration put in place, and food cooked, and prepared.

Caledonia looked around; the party was in full swing as the wedding went beautifully. She had smiled wistfully watching Bill, and Fleur gave vows their everlasting love to each other and recalled her own. Draco had shared with her a secret smile, sitting with her during the ceremony, holding her hands ever so lovingly.

She laughed as Draco dragged her to the floor, and they went dancing with the other guests. They were smiling, and laughing until the music ended, and moved to the side. She then bumped into Luna who smiled at her dreamily.

"Beautiful wedding, isn't it, Caledonia?" Luna had asked.

"Uh, name's Donna," Caledonia replied, supplying the name that the Weasley family had bestowed upon her for the time being.

"Oh, you had that changed too?" Luna asked.

"How can you tell?"

"It's just how you are," The blonde replied and then fluttered off. Caledonia shook her head and eyed Luna's father who was talking to Ron. The man was in all yellow that it was almost blindingly, but she noted the interesting necklace around his neck, it was a stark contrast to what he wore. It was a plain silver necklace in shape of a triangle with a circle, and a line going down the center.

Brushing the thought aside, she went over to the table that served drinks, and appetizers, and got a drink. She allowed her eyes to stray to different guests, and spotted a young man that looked a bit too close to Harry Potter, and shook her head. Arthur had told her that the Order brought in a man to go about, giving a pretense that Harry Potter was actually at the wedding. The only difference about the young man, he wore square glasses, his eyes were blue, and she was introduced to him earlier, learning his name was Daniel Radcliffe, an American wizard that came to visit England, and was interested in muggle acting.

Caledonia watched and listened to an elderly man and woman bickered to each other about Dumbledore at a nearby table, and who was telling the truth. Recently, a book went out on shelves, written by Rita Skeeter, explaining everything about Albus Dumbledore, and she believed to be mostly hogwash. However, the man mentioned something interesting, that Bathilda Bagshot was one person that truly knew Albus Dumbledore. She wondered where she had heard the name before. She spotted Draco coming toward her.

He approached her and silently thanked her as she handed him a glass of drink, and they stood together, watching the party while sipping the champagne. It was late, and a few people had left, but the majority had remained, chatting, dancing, and eating. It was high-spirited time, and Caledonia couldn't help but smile.

"You're smiling so much tonight," Draco commented as he took her glass to set it aside, and he drew her to the floor for a slow dance. "I haven't seen that in a long while." He said, almost regrettably.

She shook her head. "What's done is done. Let's enjoy the good times... who knows when it will end?" She replied and rested her head on his chest as he led her in the slow romantic dance. They danced together a few dances until a bright light shot through the tent to come to a stop in the center. Everyone gasped and turned to the light.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now