3.12: Untitled Part 33

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Harry gasped and felt himself being pulled back. Draco's voice seemed far away but he was able to register it. "There's nothing we can do. Harry, we have to finish this."

"But father..." Harry protested softly.

"No, Harry. Honor your father's wish. Do as he says. Come on." Draco begun to pull Harry away but winced, grabbing his head.

Harry gasped, clutching his head and stumbled to support himself against the wall.

Everything went eerily silent and Lord Voldemort broadcasted his voice in everyone's head. "You have fought valiantly but in pain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste."

Ron rolled his eyes in between grimace. "Sodding bastard..." He muttered.

"My thought exactly." Draco replied as he winced from the pain in his head.

"I therefore command my force to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you... rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this... I shall kill every last man, woman and child who try to conceal you from me."

Then it was silent and their heads were left with ringing silence and lingering pain. Hermione sighed and went to Harry and touched his arm, "Harry... let's bring your father to the Great Hall..."

Harry nodded and watched as Hermione and Ron levitated Severus Snape from the floor, dark blood dripped from his robe. Draco tried to hide his grimace as he watched; he knew he had tried to seal all of the wounds so no more blood would steep out. His mentor, his Godfather, his father-in-law had finally met his end and he felt sorrow in his heart. He looked over to Harry who looked pale as he followed his friends and father slowly back to the top of the stairs to the demolished castle.

"Where is everybody?" Harry asked as they entered the courtyard. Not too long ago, it was filled with Death Eaters, trolls and students fighting. Now, there was no body in sight but rubbles.

Hermione, keeping her wand steady as she carefully floated Professor Snape's body replied, "I think in the Great Hall."

They made a short flight up the steps and entered the building and sure enough, the Great Hall was filled with people, lying on the ground, wounded or dead. Other those who were not badly wounded was either helping to carry the bodies or tending to the severely wounded.

Heads begin to turn to look at Harry as he walked behind Ron and Hermione with Severus Snape. Draco was beside him. Not one made any comments as they walked by.

Professor McGonagall came up to them and with a swish of wand, she relieved Ron and Hermione of their burden, floating Severus toward to an empty spot and laid him down. Ron then ran toward his family.

Harry watched somberly as Ron fell to his knees crying as one of the twin lay motionless. George was crying as he held onto Charlie while Molly was wailing beside her dead son. Ginny was crying softly beside Bill.

Then, he turned his head to see where his father laid and he saw Remus and Tonk on the ground, side by side, their hands lay as if almost touching each other. Sirius was sitting beside Remus' head, his face in his hand as he cried softly. Harry then closed his eyes, swallowing a lump in his throat and turned around. He was unaware that Draco was close behind him and nearly stepped back but was stopped as Draco grabbed his arm.

The second that Draco's hand touch Harry's arm, Harry fell into Draco's arm and clutched onto Draco's jacket, tears streaming silently. Draco then closed his arms around the raven-haired boy and held him.

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