Deleted Scenes Part 2

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Draco and the song of Caledonia

He dropped his bag as he appeared in the foyer of his house and saw his mother smiling at him. She came up to him and gave him a hug. "Draco, welcome home."

"Mother," Draco said as he looked into his mother's eyes, noticing the happiness. "What happened here?"

"Your father's home. He wishes to see you in the study." She told him and stroked her son's cheek. "He's not too happy but he's home and that's what matter the most to me."

Draco looked in the direction where the study was and frowned, "He got out?"

"I am sorry that you have to find out through the Daily Prophet. I wanted to write to you but it was so sudden and you were coming home soon enough. Yes. He had to bribe enough people in the ministry to get out. He's on house arrest, but at least he's home."

"I see." Draco nodded. "I'll go see him now." He moved past his mother, went to his father's study, and pushed the door open.

"What were you thinking?" Lucius nearly bellowed at his son as he entered.

Draco stared up at his father with a scowl on his face. "Great! Nice greeting there. I did what you asked me to."

With a perfect sneer all Malfoy had learned from young age, Lucius spat, "But not to go to the Department of Mystery and put your life in danger. I had to cover up for you when the Dark Lord kept asking me if I had heard from you regarding if Harry Potter was going to be at the Department of Mystery!"

Sighing and rolling his eyes. "Father... at least that part's over with. You're out of Azkaban and we're fine."

"At some cost!" Lucius yelled, pounding his fist on the desk. "What were you and Caledonia Snape doing there that night? Where did she come up with a harebrained scheme to prove herself to the Dark Lord?"

Draco looked at his hands, he was seething in anger inside but the outside, he appeared bored. "I never told her anything about that. She got that somewhere else."

"Next time you be sure to follow my instruction and reply to my owl immediately! Things are not as it was before!"

The younger Malfoy glared at his father, "Well, I never wanted this anyway." He stood up. "It had also cost me something as well. So don't think you're the only one who's losing a lot! Why were we with the Dark Lord in the first place?

Lucius sighed and sat back. "That's something you do not need to know."

Draco nearly exploded. "I am fifteen, going on sixteen and I think I deserve to know! But hell no, you just want me to grovel and kiss the filthy feet of the Dark Lord and give my life to him. Forget it!" He turned around and stormed out of the room.

Draco scowled, storming down the manor's grand hallway, reaching the front entrance. He held out his hand and said, "Accio Firebolt!" The broom shot around the manor and into his waiting hand. He mounted onto the broom and shot into the sky. So much for coming home from school, he thought to himself.

He flew for a long time until it became dark and his bones was becoming chilled and weary from the damp England air and he glanced around, realizing he was lost. He had flown aimlessly for hours, allowing everything to melt away from his mind. He saw the glow from a town below him and tilted his broom to turn, circling in the darkness until he was able to land. He took out his wand and shrank his broom and pocketing it. He then swished a drying spell over his clothes, pocketed it, and walked toward the town.

He found he was in the outskirt of London and ducked into an empty alleyway and dissapparated, appearing into the back alley in Diagon Alley. He then strolled down the lighted street, glancing around. No one gave him a second look. He looked like a rich boy merely walking along. He then ducked into Tom's empty Leaky Cauldron and made his way into Muggle London. He kept on wandering around until he came to Hyde Park.

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu