3.7: Untitled Part 28

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The time at Hogwarts had been uneventful, yet Caledonia had assumed they would only remain few days, yet those days turned into weeks and then into months. After she had learned who were loyal to the Dark Lord and gathered many who weren't and begun a group similar to Dumbledore's Army, but under a pretense that she was training them to become Voldemort's Army, but in reality, the students didn't want to side with the dark, but the light without committing their loyalties. She grew antsy toward the end of the term and knew her time was running out.

She had recruited Draco and Blaise Zabini along to teach the others. She also kept in contact with Neville and Ginny in secret, overseeing the progress they were doing with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff for the Dumbledore's Army. She had let it slip that she was training the two other houses and the two Gryffindor were surprised and relived at the same time. The dynamic of houses rivalry had changed within few weeks, no longer there were suspicious stares and bullying but a tense peace, yet everyone remained as if walking on thin ice, wondering when the impending day would come that they had to fight for their lives.

She glanced out of the stained window of the charm class, idly listening to the professor drone on about the theory of movement and drawing magic from oneself. Draco was doodling on his parchment next to her, snorted softly in disagreement, drawing Caledonia from her daydreaming. She gave a questioning hum and he shook her head and rolled his eyes, gesturing to the professor. She smirked at him and reached out to touch his arm and trace her finger on the back of his hand idly.

Suddenly, a searing burning pain shot up her side and she gripped his hand. He gave her a questioning look and her eyes were wide as she reached over to clutch her left hip. He looked down and it dawned on him that the Dark Lord was calling her without him. He whispered, "What? He's calling you?"

She whispered back as the pain subsided. "He's not calling you?" She saw his head shake and she gave a shaky sigh. "I suppose I'll have to go alone."

"Caledonia... let me go with you. I'll wait outside the room..." He suggested softly, looking concerned.

She shook her head. "No. I can't risk you getting hurt."

"And I can't let you walk into hell alone." He retorted.

"If I'm not back by dinner, come find me." She whispered and stood up, catching the professor's attention. "I'm sorry Professor; I have to go to the hospital wing." She winced, clutching her stomach. "I ate something bad for lunch."

The tiny charm professor waved his hand, "Go on, dear."

Draco watched as she left and sighed, frustrated.

She quickly made her way through the castle and across the lawn to apparition point outside the ground's gate and swished her wand, quickly changing her school uniform into a long dark gown and cloak and dissapparated from Hogwarts to the dreary Malfoy Manor that lie south of the isle.

She sighed as she shook off the feeling of apparition and glanced up at the manor before her. It looked dreary in the foggy mist. She then did the routine of walling up her mind and placing the false memories and steeled her nerves, walking up to the gate and entered, making her way to the study where the Dark Lord favored to stay in.

"Come in." The voice hissed as she reached the door. She pushed the door enough to slip in and entered the room. He was standing in the center of the room and gave a cold smile as she approached him and knelt down and bowed her head.

"Mi'lord, you called me?" She asked softly.

He gave a lopsided smirk and gestured for her to rise. She stood and kept her eyes downcast as she waited. He gave her a look over and replied, "I want report of progress at Hogwarts."

Caledonia Lilia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now