Another Alpha

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Hiccup woke up and his head felt fuzzy and when he woke up, he looks to see he's in a cage.

Except not just any cage; A dragon proof cage.

"Welcome back." Hiccup heard someone say and spins around to find Heather and Windshear in a cage across from his. "Love the new look."

"Heather. What happened?" Hiccup asks as he looks to see that Toothless is also with him in a cage next to his.

"We've been Dragon Hunters." Heather informed him as he looked around the ship they're currently on and sees a small army of dragons have been captured.

"They must've been here to capture the Foreverwing, and got trapped inside the fog." Hiccup took a wild guess as he stood back up. "And these dragons were caught in the middle of it."

That's when they heard someone almost growling at them and thundering footsteps approach as they turn to see the one person Bewilderbeast warned Hiccup about.

Drago Bludvist.

Drago was even more hideous than the description given to him by the Bewilderbeast. The scars on his face were white, the rest of his skin a dark - almost black - tanned color. He had obvious muscles, which didn't help at all.

Drago smiled mockingly and let out a dark, horrendous chuckle that made Heather want to cover her ears. "This, is the great Dragon Prince?" Drago laughed, pointing briefly in Hiccup's direction. "The bridge between worlds?"

Hiccup glared back at Drago, but said nothing, and Heather did the same.

Drago stopped laughing, his eyes narrowed. "What shame, they must feel," Drago said, savoring his words as he leaned in close to Hiccup's face through the bars.

Hiccup took a step forward to the cage. "All of this loss," he said, gesturing to the wimpering and suffering dragons he seems to be preparing for around them, "and for what? To become unstoppable? To rule the world?"

Drago looked upwards and shrugged as if the idea were what he had been thinking the entire time.

"Dragons," Hiccup tried to reason with this man. "They are...kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together-"

Drago barked a loud "HA!" that sounded like he had been gargling with gravel. "Or tear them apart," he said darkly, reaching for his left arm with his right one. He gripped his forearm, and pulled his arm clean off.

Well, it wasn't really a flesh "arm", now that they saw it clearly. It was a prosthetic arm, made of metal that gleamed the color of silver. His real arm was...Gone.

He hooked his arm back to his stump and approached Hiccup slowly. "You see, I know what it is live in fear." He stepped around Hiccup, circling the cage, cutting Heather out of the conversation.

"To see my village burnt," Drago went on, "my family, taken. But even as a boy...left with nothing...I vowed to rise high above the fear of dragons, and liberate the people of this world."

"Then why a dragon army?" Hiccup questioned. "Why take us?"

"Well," Drago said with a smug smile, "you need dragons to conquer other dragons."

"Or maybe you need dragons to conquer people." Hiccup took another step forward to the bars, his eyes as cold as ice and becoming dragon like. "To control those who follow you, and to get rid of those who won't."

"Clever boy." Drago said, his comment made under his breath yet intentionally loud enough for Hiccup to hear. But he didn't seem fazed, just yet, by anything Hiccup was saying.

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