chapter thirty six; guilty pleasures

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MCKINLEY WAS GOING THROUGH ANOTHER POCKET OF DRAMA. my brother finn was the reason that miss pillsbury had gone mia from her own wedding. he had kissed her a couple of weeks before. blaine and sue were also feuding and so were ryder and unique. it was fun for the observers like marley and i but it wasn't so fun for finn who had decided to go back to collage.

"finn how many times have i told you that you're going to be okay." i told him over the phone, this must've been the sixth time he was called me in the last ten or so minutes.

"i know i'm just so stressed." he breathed heavily as i rolled my eyes.

"if you survived dating rachel for three years you can survive anything." i reminded him.

"okay thanks chloe."

"look i've got to go glee's starting, mr schue's not here so blaine and sam are taking it over. love you finn."

"love you chlo." i put my phone into my waistband and raised my eyebrow in confusion at the sight of sam and blaine wearing head to toe tracksuit.

"oh my god." was what left my mouth earning a smile from blaine and a glare from sam which i ignored.

"we have come up with an assignment for this week." the brunette shared with a wide smile.

"please be songs about sweaters." brittany prayed with her eyes shut.

"guilty pleasures!" they announced, this might've just been worse then foreigner.

"come on! we all have some musical shame. you know what i'm talking about. you know, that secret love we dare not speak, but when it comes out on the radio, you can't help but turn up the volume and sing along?" blaine crossed me to write guilty pleasures on the board. as he was walking back i could smell his hair gel so clearly. weirdly i wanted to put my hand on his head like i used to.

"yeah, and we're supposed to sing one of those songs for regionals?" mini puck asked.

"no. sam and i were speaking earlier, just, like, shooting the crap like two bros do, you know, and we felt really safe with each other. so we decided to reveal our guilty pleasures." blaine said awkwardly, leaving me to think for a second or two.

blaine had said he had a crush on a straight guy, he also got all freaked out when sam wanted lip balm. could the boy be sam? no it wouldn't be.

"unique knows no shame, baby." unique spoke loudly snapping me out of the thought trail, looking up to the two boys which blaine was staring at the blonde like he used to stare at me.

"so, besides unique, does anybody else have something they would like to share?" sam asked, looking to blaine for guidance when no one spoke up.

"guys, this is a great team-building exercise."

"okay, well, then you guys go first." marley folded her arm and everyone nodded in agreement.

"we thought instead of telling you, we could..."
blaine began, sam and him taking off their jackets in unison unveiling their choose life t- shirts.

♪ sami ♪ - b. andersonWhere stories live. Discover now