20. An adventure

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Chapter 20


An adventure

Leanne’s POV

Last night was so… so magical.

The stars were up and I had so much food to eat. I was literally in heaven. The best of all was that I had Tom’s full attention the whole evening. I didn’t think twice before I ran over to kindly help him eat his delicious dessert. Oh dear Spirits, that chocolaty sweet gives me the chills just thinking about it. How it melts on my tongue…

Well I wish I had patience to actually enjoy it before I devour it. I tried many times to hold back with no luck. My birthdays are the best ones since Mamma always make me my own cake. Don’t expect me to share because I won’t. I even eat from the cake she makes to serve everyone else.

Pappa made the most awesome grilled steak over the fire yesterday. My mouth waters as the tasty steak materialises inside me head. It’s not only the meat, I love vegetables too! I just want to drown it all in a sauce. Carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, peas, potatoes…

I and eatable things have a very passionate relationship. It’s not because I’m hungrier than others, because I’m not. I feel pure bliss by eating. There is actually only one thing I like more and that’s Tom. He held my hand in the dark last night and it felt so amazing, too amazing actually. It made me greedy for more.

I kind of feel sorry for Tom because he has three sisters and a dad who loves his girls. Don’t forget to add an overprotective mother to that cue. No wonder why he is like he is. Mary is my best friend but she can be so mean at times. Tom is just as mean back to her and my emotions are like a rollercoaster between them two. Kate is just a really sweet and mature person compared to them. She also seems to share my view on violence. I think we will become good friends in the future.

I’ll need a friend to lean on when Mary isn’t here anymore. It breaks my heart to think of the day when she won’t be with us anymore. I’ll try to stay positive. She’s not that sick yet and we should find a lot of time to do memorable things. There isn’t a day when I’m not with her. We are almost attached to each other.

I am sitting on my tree swing in the garden when Tom stops outside my house in his new red sports car. Our toys are quite different, but he’s a guy. My heart turns all warm when he steps out of the vehicle. His brown hair is shining in the morning sun and he walks up to me determinedly. My throat feels dry suddenly and I wonder if his family went on his nerves this particular morning.

His muscles are flexing under his shirt and he just looks too good. It’s hard to imagine that the Spirits gave him to me. He’s never even kissed me! Even a hug would probably make me faint. He’s strong and more than capable to protect me against the world if it ever falls down on me.

“Do you want to come for a drive?” he asks me out of the blue without a smile or saying hi.

“Sure!” I agree glad over the offer.

Tom and I have never really had any alone time before. Pack members are always lurking around the corner. It’s annoying because the whole Pack thinks it is cute when mates grow up together. It’s a huge turn off.

I follow him over to his car and he opens the passenger door like a real gentleman. It smells like leather in there and I smoothly take my place in the two seated car. I sink down into the comfortable seat and soon I’m stuck in the small space with my mate next to me as he steers us away from our small village.

Tom is still in an annoyed mood so I enjoy the speed and the view of the landscape in silence. I usually join Pappa when he drives to the nearby villages. Tom just got his car and I know he only drove it a few times before. I feel honoured that he wants to take me out for a little while.

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